Part 1 - Nothing built can last forever

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Warning this is a fan fiction and I can't rlly draw or write stories so sorry if it sounds goofy lol anyways enjoy I hope

Nothing built can last forever.

There wasn't any time to think about it. There wasn't even time to take a breath. It was just one big blur happening right in front of me. And I couldn't save him. I'm such a coward.

The storm ripped through the colosseum like it was never even there. I only have seconds to dodge as a tentacle thuds into into my path, the very weight of it's fall throwing me off-balance. I run past from the entrance of the festival building, clucking feathery fellows obstructing my path. I watch everyone dart past.

"Out of my way, chickens!" I shout, pushing through them, wildly swinging my arms to make a path. Suddenly, I hear a loud vibration, and I stop in my tracks to see blocks above me being pulled apart. Oh no, a tractor beam. I try to move out the way in time only to be cut short to my luck. My body levitates in the air, unable to get to the ground.

"Wait! Hey! I'm up here! Somebody help me!" I grab the bridge and hold on with all my might. " Guys!" My call unfortunately falls on deaf ears as everyone is running ahead, not even caring to look back at all. I begin to pull myself forward with every bit of strength I can muster. I somehow manage to break my way free, and I take a tumble onto the floor, taking some visible fall damage. Oof! More chickens. I step back a little, then hit a running start, soaring over them with little effort.

I suddenly unblur my eyes to see a familiar face.
"Lukas!" I shout to get his attention. He turns to my glance over with a smile running beside me before he quickly breaks into a terrified expression.
"Holy crap! Oh man, if I was still in that basement I- thanks for coming back for me, Jesse. I wouldn't be here without you." I nod before hearing another familiar voice. "Jesse!" I hear Petra call out. We all stare at each other, thankful to be together in a group again, until the reunion is short-lived, as a familiar purple glows encompasses the area around us. I can't help but let out a gasp. I watch as Lukas and the others flee from the beam, their figures becoming smaller and smaller. "Wait - wait! We have to stay together!" I plead, again with no reply. I suddenly hear a gasp and swivel around to see Petra being sucked up into the tractor beam. I immediately dash over to her. "Jesse, help me!" She shouts in terror. I grab her hand while instinctively reaching onto a piece of nearby fence. I strain to hold on with every muscle in my body.

"Hold on to me, don't let go!" I call out to Petra, attempting to sound assertive, but failing and it coming out in more of a desperate plead.

Unfortunately, the fence doesn't hold out very well, and it breaks loose.
"Nooooo!" I scream.

The fence has completely broken off, and I'm just left holding a piece of fence. I look back at Petra, sharing a similar terrified look. Suddenly, I feel a tug on my leg, and my neck snaps over to see Gabriel. Thank gosh! The tractor beam suddenly dashes away, and I'm not prepared for it. I immediately fall flat on my face, ouch. Petra is a little luckier and lands on her back. I guess being used to fighting heightened her general instincts. Petra looks at me and comes over to help me up, then side dashing away when she looks behind her. Oh hell, it must be right behind us. I struggle to get up as fast as I can, and I bolt through the open destruction towards Lukas and the others. It's not long until we are all together again.

"Do we still have everyone?" I question, scanning for everyone's faces.

Gabriel interrupts, "We must set out for my fortress -- we'll be better protected there."

I nod nervously and follow his lead. With the amount of adrenaline and pure shock pumping through me, it doesn't take long for all of us to make it to viewing distance of the temple. Unfortunately, I'm not paying attention to my surroundings.

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