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CW/TW: Swearing and vaping

Bdubs: Friday – Mar 21st 20AR – 7:45 am

A cold chill that breezed through the kitchen. Scar and I were sat at the island. There was not a sound except the birds outside and the clicking of Scar on his laptop and me on my key dial. The coffee machine beeped as the final bit of coffee dripped into the pot. Scar got up to pour a cup for both of us.

"No creamer and just one teaspoon of sugar" I reminded him. "You're so boring" Scar teased. "I don't try to drown myself in the sweetness" I shot back playfully. He rolled his eyes at me with that playful glint in his eyes.

Turning back to my tablet; I wasn't exactly feeling the colour palette I'd chosen. The prompt had been to design a seemingly whimsical building, but the pinks and purples weren't working the way I wanted them to. "Maybe try a more earthy palette" Scar suggested as he handed me my coffee. "Yeah I'll try that, thanks".

Only a few healthy sips of coffee later did someone wake up very much to my dismay. It was no more than 2 minutes before Mom was down the stairs, darting her eyes around wildly. She was still fully dressed from last night with a full face of makeup as well.

"Have you two seen my...". "In your pocket" Scar and I told her in unison. Dipping her hands into her pockets, she pulled out 5 vapes (two of which weren't hers) and cigarette butts.

She puffed 3 of them at once and blew out perfect rings of smoke. Giggling at her 'achievement', Scar and I had already denounced that she was still very much drunk. We started to put our stuff away in our bags lest she decide to just pop off. Without warning, she grabbed Scar's coffee and ran over to liquor cabinet. "Mom no! Don't do it" Scar warned.

She poured tequila in his coffee.

"Mom I love you, but I had plans to actually drink that" Scar sighed. "Well I made it better tasting" she argued. "No one drinks tequila in the morning unless they are unemployed" I pointed out. "I'm not unemployed and I drink tequila on a morning" she shot back. I rubbed my temples in pain; maybe we should go to school early.

"You guys are adults now; you can drink booze in the morning" she said as though to assure us. "Well legally Bdubs isn't an adult" Scar objected. "You're getting too old to drink as a hobby" I added. "I'm only 35, not that old" she refuted. "And just for that..."

She emptied the bottle into the rest of the coffee left in the pot.

"Right give me that" Scar said snatching the coffee pot out of her hands. "Want a puff?" she offered, holding out one of the vapes to him. He rolled his eyes but still took a puff. It was less than 10 seconds before he started coughing his lungs out. "What fucking flavour is that?!" he snarled.

Mom squinted at the fine print for a minute for handing it to me to read. "Pineapple and blueberry". Scar stared at me like I was speaking Russian. "Where in heavens name did you get PINEAPPLE AND BLUEBERRY?!?!" he asked Mom. She just shrugged in response.

"Give me a better one" he mumbled before snatching the watermelon flavour from her. "Which one do you want?" she asked me. I took the strawberry one from her; don't know where she got it from. "Where's yours anyway Scar? I swear I got you a new one". "Binned it" he answered.

Mom looked absolutely appalled. "Why?" she asked confused. "I'm trying to stop cus Grian doesn't like it" he said. "Well you're doing a shit job" I sneered. "Well tell her to stop waving vapes in my face like they're a prize" he snapped. "What a good little boyfriend you're trying to be" Mom scoffed.

"Shouldn't we be going Scar?" I asked. We needed Mom to calm down and she wasn't gonna do that while we were here for her to torment. "Yeah we should, see you later Mom" he said grabbing his bag. "Bye I won't do anything too interesting while you're gone" she said giving Scar a big hug. "You do that" Scar said returning hug.

"Okay let's go" I said dragging Scar out the door. "I'll call you at 12 o'clock, alright?" Scar yelled. "Okay!!" Mom yelled back. Shoving Scar into the driver's seat, I jumped over the hood to get in the passenger side. "Wanna just go to Macky's?" Scar asked. "Yeah".

"Right then". He took one last puff before throwing the vape out the window. "What are we going to do when we aren't there to tell Mom not to do stupid things?" I asked him as he started the engine. His grip tightened round the steering wheel.

"I don't know". 


Macky's means McDonalds.

What a family, am I right? (Scar is 18 and Bdubs is 17).

Also I probs need to explain how school works to the Americans. So here in the UK (speaking for England) instead of progressing elementary to middle to high to uni: you go from primary(5-11) to secondary(11-16) to sixth form/apprenticeships(16-18) to uni(18-??). Sixth form is for more academic areas and apprenticeships for more vocational/hands on areas. In your sixth form timetable you often get quite a few free periods and if your sixth form is nice enough, you don't have to be on school premises during your frees.

That will explain a few of things I will be adding in future chapters and why Bdubs and Scar are in no rush this chapter. Any more questions about how things work and therefore make sense just ask.

Would love some feedback on this chapter. I feel it's a little too short but what do you guys think? Would also love some votes as well

See ya cool peeps ;3

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