Author's Note

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Hey guys, it's the author here. This is my first time writing and completing a longer book. It's been 3 years since I've done this, so it might not be my best.

I wrote this book since I am a fan of weather, and I am a fan of Mark Peyton Vlogs, the youtubers from the YouTube channel that I picked for the story.

I'm not sure if the town I picked is actually small. I was reliant on Google for part of this story. Also, some details probably aren't accurate at all. I didn't want it word-for-word, and I wanted to change things up.

I hope you enjoy the story regardless. I put my best effort in. I worked for three days and stayed up until 4am writing and typing out the story. If you read this book, can you show this to others please?

Thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoy the book. Just a heads up, it's a little sad.

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