Chapter Ten: Two Years Later...

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*Quinoa's POV at age 13*

Two years later, I get a text from an unknown number. I nearly scream when I see who texted me.

"Mom! Connor texted me"  I yell through the new apartment Mark and the crew helped us get.

"He did? How are they doing?" She asks.

"Good. He's in Texarkana!" I yell once more, and mom shushes me since we have neighbors.

Dad comes home to the news. We plan to meet them tomorrow at the park. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight!

I climb in bed, thinking about seeing my best friend.

I learn that Connor is 15 now. I hear that he is taller. I hear other cool things, but I don't care. I want to see him.

*time skip*

We pile in the car, and I stare out the window. I'm only thinking about seeing Connor. I wonder if he still thinks about the tornado from time to time. I wonder if sometimes he has nightmares about it, just like me.

We pull up to the park, and it only takes me a second to spot him.  He's the tallest one there.

"Connor!" I scream from across the park. "Connor, it's me, Quinoa!"

I ran and gave him the biggest hig of my life.

Later, I found out that this was planned by Mark and Matt. They went on another search and found Connor like I described him in a story 2 years ago. They offered to help his family as well, and brought them to Texarkana too.

I think the only downside is that we never found my dog, Kona. I hope he's alive and alright.

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