Chapter 1: That's When

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Quin walks quietly through the store humming along to 'That's When' by Taylor Swift which is playing in one of her airpods.

It's almost ten o'clock at night, which is definitely too late to be grocery shopping, but she doesn't care. she likes grocery shopping at night. it's quiet and peaceful and it feels almost freeing.

She heads to the refrigerated section to grab some sliced cheese for her lunch and notices a woman standing by the cheese section. she really should just go and grab the cheese but for some reason another person there makes her hesitant. Fucking social anxiety. She needs to get over this, she decides as she pushes her shopping cart over to the section and throws a bag of sliced american and a bag of sliced cheddar into her cart before turning around and beginning to walk away.

"Shit!" she hears a woman yell quietly to herself, and seconds later a container of cheese is rolling by her foot.

She picks it up without really thinking about it and turns around to give it to the woman who dropped it. unsurprisingly it's the same woman who had been standing by the cheese aisle earlier.

"Thank you so much," the woman says as Quin hands her the container of cheese.

"Of course," she smiles politely, "Have a nice... evening I guess."

The woman stares at her for a moment, tilting her head slightly as if she's pondering something. 'Do I know her?' Quin thinks for a moment, her heart rate increasing. 'She does look familiar'

"You too," the woman says brightly, interrupting Quin's thoughts.

So she smiles in return and turns around to finish her shopping so that she can go home and sleep. Well, she'll probably end up binge watching FRIENDS or the marvel movies or maybe listening to Taylor Swift on repeat until she falls asleep.


I just came up with idea and if anyone is reading this, I hope you like it. also I'm writing this in the notes app on my phone so that chapters are probably going to be painfully short

anyways, hope you're doing okay and taking care of yourself.

tess <3 

(also did I use the right "you're" i honestly can never tell)

That's When ~ Adopted by Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now