Chapter 1 (bc I'm too tired to make a prolouge)

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Snow rained down from the crisp night sky. Uzi stared up at the endless void of ink. Sighing, she stood up from where she was sitting and glided into the spire of corpses. N noticed her and waved. "Hey Uzi! Me and V are making a training ground so you can practice using your other new powers!"

Uzi raised an eyebrow. "Like, not using the solver?"

N nodded. "Yup! V and I thought it would be a good idea for you to train your new powers. Ever since the camping incident..."

Uzi groaned. "I couldn't control myself, N. I bet that's what your like when you overheat."   

N paused, then looked towards the entrance. "I think I heard something..."  

Uzi and V stared at the exit. "There's nothing there, idiot. Stop trying to change the subject."

V rummaged through the piles of corpses to find a few still intact bodies. "Alright, N, I did your thing, now don't talk to me again."

V spread her wings and flew towards the landing pod. N watched her leave, then turned to Uzi. "Alright Uzi! Try hitting this target from the sky. If you now need oil, you need to know how to hunt. And no using your powers!!"  

Uzi nodded and glided over to the dummy, tackling it. N grinned. "Good job! But aim for where the core is or their head, those are dire areas!"

Uzi nodded, clambering off the dummy to tackle it again. This time, she leaped towards it, aiming for the chest and using her tail to impale it. N cheered at Uzi. "Wow Uzi! That's a cool technique!" 

Uzi blushed. "I saw you use it before when you infiltrated the bunker." 

Before N could speak again V jumped down from the top of the spire. "Hey! I found some curious workers right outside. You guys hungry?"

Uzi looked at N, then at V. "Sure, I could eat right now."

N shook his head. "I just ate, you can go ahead. But please be careful!!"

Uzi rolled her eyes as she and V flew to the post. Uzi peered down, 3 worker drones, each of them wandering around cluelessly. She could hear them talking:


"Come on, Margery, I don't think there are any here." 

"Clara, I know what I saw. Those sky demons are here!" 

"I agree with Margery, we should go before we get attacked..."

"Oh, come on Holly, it took like a century to get you to come with us anyway. You never leave the colony!"

"That's because I don't patrol. Besides, this is farther than we are supposed to go." 

"Come onnnnn! A literal spire of corpses is right in front of us. They must be here! And besides, I want to test out this new weapon they gave us!" 


Uzi looked at V, whose gaze was locked on the drones. Did she hear that as well? Uzi could tell V was ready to attack, her visor showed a large yellow X, covering most of the screen, a cold, ruthless grin plastered on her face. Uzi shook the thought away, remembering how hungry she was, the hum of her solver buzzed loudly. Her eyes glitched to a large purple X and her smile was wide and eager for fresh oil. Uzi leaped off the spire, crashing in front of the three drones, catching them off guard as V swooped in, beheading one of them. A red-eyed drone cowered, while a pink-eyed one pointed a weapon towards Uzi's face. 

Uzi grabbed the weapon and threw it to the side, grabbing the pink-eyed drone's arm with her tail and chucking her towards where V waited. Uzi turned towards the red-eyed drone, a sinister giggle came from her as she leapt at the drone, pinning her to the ground with her "hands," and crushing her screen with the grip of her wings. 

The drone went limp, and Uzi dropped her. A loud shriek sounded from where V was last, Uzi snapped her head around to see. The pink-eyed drone was running away while V lay on the soft, white snow, steam floating around her. "V!" Uzi forgot about the drone, her eyes glitching back to normal as she ran towards her.

V was hit by the weapon, but she was hurt, there was no doubting that. Her wings were bent sideways. What kind of weapon does that? She grabbed the drone corpses, then heaved V onto her back, taking off into the air. Uzi landed in front of the spire, N ran outside, wondering what the noise was, before turning his attention towards the unconscious drone on Uzi's back. "V! What happened to her?"  

Uzi had to catch her breath, the trip was tiring. "One of those drones had a weapon, they shot V and escaped but we got two of them," she said, holding up the corpses of the two drones.

N stared at V then at Uzi, who was covered in now almost-dry oil. "I'll take her inside; you can go ahead and eat some now, so you don't overheat."

Uzi nodded. "I'll bring some later."

N grabbed V and headed to the pod. Uzi dropped the corpses, the bright red Fatal Error that flashed on the screens burned her eyes, but she didn't mind if she got to eat before the others. She pulled off an arm, drinking the rest of the oil that was left inside of it. After she got her lion's share for catching them, she pulled off a few limbs, rich with oil and carried them to the landing pod. She handed one to N. "Thanks, Uzi." 

 N lapped up the oil that flowed out of the limb. Uzi glanced at V. "Not awake?"

N shook his head. "No, that weapon did pretty good damage, I thought you were the only smart one to build weapons. And when did worker drones start patrolling around for us?"

"I don't know, that's new." Uzi tried to think of any conversations she heard when she went back to the bunker.

Just then, something flooded her memories. That weapon... seemed familiar to her. "Of course!"

N cocked his head. "Of course, what?"

"They found my blueprints!"

"Blueprints of what?"

Uzi growled. "My railgun!"

ChangedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora