wake up call

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CHAPTER ONE- wake up call

The smell of freshly cooked breakfast travelled through the large American home as conversions coule be heared coming from the Dining room
As most of the family ate ready for the day ahead of them.

As the house mother wondered through the now thought to be empty house after rushing her children onto the bus 

Opening the closet door and pulling out a hoover she started to clean the halls and many bedrooms  reaching the room she always dreaded cleaning as the oldest son was the dirtyst of them all and hated when she cleaned in there but she always did it anways to stop bugs and germs infecting her loved home.

She creaked the door open stepping in two secondes a book hit the wall just missing her head as the screams from the oldest son yelled for her to get out.

Relizing she had completely forgot adout him and didnt wake him up for the day feeling guilt for forgetting her first Born child.

She quickly hurried  out of his room leaving the teen to go back to his slumder sleep as she hurried to get her clothes ready wanting out of the house as soom as possible trying to swollow the guilt in her throat.

She just had to remember that she hated the poor child and that he was the reason for her misery the reson she cont get her Dream job the reason shes  shes stuck here.

He was not whanted.

As the the day ticked on the teen layed in his messy bed hanging off the edge adout to fall into the mess below him as his as openedhis eyes slowly he rolled over covering them with his arm in a attempt to protect them from the sun.

He groaned as he sat in the hell of his room his hair a mess from his restless sleep.

He throw himself off the bed still tired and still not fully awake  slowly moving to his messy closet throwing clothes in a attempt to find atleast one set of clean clothes soon giving up  and settling on some Dirty ripped jeans with a short sleeved band shirt and a pair of black boots with a black beanie to cover his messy long hair he didnt have the efforts to cut or brush.

Stumbling down the stairs he cont help but wonder the time as he looked at the old clock on the wall realzing it was 12 sighing relizing he had not woken on time for the day.

Opening the front door missing his breakfast witch would now be lunch he walked down the street stopping once in a while to look at the cars going past.

As he pulled the beaten pack of fags out of his jean pocket pulling one out and placing it between his lips remember he forgot his light amount of make up deciding to just carrying on instead of making the track back to the hell hole of the house as he lit the fag and tracking to the small store that he frequently visits.

Making it to the store opening it with a ding and saying hello to the regular Worker  and heading to the freezers grabing a popular 80s drink cherry coke snd heading to the front and paying the amount needed.

Now back on the streets drinkng his coke at a slow past as he lazily walked to tbe place he dreaded school .

Making it to the front office signing in and heading to the dinner hall since it was now 1:00 heading to his small Friend group and sitting down starting a conversation with his oldest freinds alex a girl with black hair and dyed pink strips

The first thing he heard when he sat down brought more dread to his day did u hear adout the new kid tristain  his first respons was to shake his head no as he ran through his though on why they where asking this.

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