- Bubblanian Bliss Hotels -

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"Prin- Peach." Pauline shook her head. "Are you staying at one of our hotels at night?"

She nodded. "Yes... I don't remember the name, they're mostly all the same, but an attic. I can show you the reservation if-".

"No, it's okay. Is it possible for you to check in now? You know, to put this away." The Mayor pointed with her head to the pizza container.

"Of course, of course." She dag into one of her pockets to grab the pamphlet. "Thank you for lunch, by the way."

"It was absolutely no problem. I'm glad you got to meet old Giovanni. He's got his son's mustache, eh?" Pauline nudged her. Her expression soon changed. "I heard his wife is sick and has to take his restaurant alone. It's sad, really."

"Oh, I am so sorry." Peach clicked her tongue. "We should've left a bigger tip."

"No, what we should do is ask the Bros to visit their family. They can't be out racing in karts with this going on at home." The brunette stopped before the entrance of the hotel she presumed was the one Peach was staying at. The most expensive and luxurious in town, and the Princess had the attic all to herself.

Pauline tilted her head. "I just realized, where's your luggage?"

Peach scratched her arm. "The reservation said it should be waiting in my room. Shall we go in?"

The Mayor nodded and opened the door so Peach could walk through.

The view was breathtaking, and the air smelled like money and paradise, just as she hoped, Bubblanian courtesy. She wished she didn't see the stall where they sold mini golden figures of her. Creeps.

Peach was fast to put herself in one of the queues. Even if it was the shortest of them, it still looked like it could take hours to get attended.

Pauline walked to where the Princess was waiting and intertwined her arm with hers before coughing in the lowest volume possible, enough for every person in a suit to turn around and spot them. Everyone was surprised to find the Mayor there, but moved to the side to let her through.

Peach was attended in a matter of seconds, giving her the keys of both her bedroom and the VIP room. Best part was, nobody questioned why the Mayor was carrying a pizza box.

Both of them got into the elevator, still standing dangerously close. "How did you do that?"

Pauline was surprised to hear her question. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone was so receptive of your presence. They even had your own mini statues to sell." The blonde stared directly into the woman's eyes as talking.

Pauline scratched her neck, suddenly embarrassed. "I guess my people like me a lot."

"I can tell," Peach chuckled. "They have every reason in the world to."

The Mayor was about to respond but was interrupted by the 'ding' of the elevator, opening its doors to reveal a beautiful floor.

They got to Peach's door, which Pauline, again, volunteered to open to let the Princess through.

My, my. A sight almost as astonishing as the Princess next to her.

"It's beautiful," said Peach.

The brunette grinned. "The whole view to the city. I can't think of anything better." That was a lie anyway.

They both unglued their eyes from the cinema size window and soon found the fridge where they'd put the pizza.

"I'll call you tomorrow to remind you to have it." Pauline winked at her, eliciting a giggle.

"What are your plans for now, my guide?" The Princess questioned.

"Oh... Well." She looked at her surrounding, until coming up with an idea. "The Bubblanian swimming pool must be the best in the whole kingdom, you really should try it out."

Peach's smile softened. "I'd love to, really, but I haven't brought a swimsuit with me."

"Oh, that's not a problem. I probably have an extra bikini on my purse." Pauline went through it and found one. She grabbed it and gave it to the blonde.

Peach looked down at it worriedly. She looked at her chest, and then at the one from the woman before her. "Don't you think it might be... Loose on me?"

"Can it, you're gorgeous, go try it. I'm positive you'll look stunning in red." The Mayor held her by the shoulders and walked her to the bathroom's door.

She locked herself in and got changed. As she guessed, there was extra fabric hanging.

She opened the door to find Pauline in the sexiest bikini to ever exist, it was as bright red as her face was in that same instant.

Pauline turned to face her once she realized she'd finished. "See? You look beautiful."

The Princess shook her head rapidly to get herself out of the trance. "Actually, could you help me back here?" She turned to show the wrongly tied strings of the suit.

"Sure," Pauline affirmed and walked just behind her. She breathed right next to her ear, and Peach wondered how she was able to survive all day long.

Her fingers were soft and delicate, almost tickling the Princess, but all she was able to think of were the butterflies she felt in her stomach.

"Now you won't question your body again, right?" Even if Pauline had finished, her lips didn't leave Peach's ear. "I can't express with words how astounding you look."

The Princess admired herself in the body length mirror next to her. Even if Pauline was right, even if she looked as beautiful as she said she did, the only person Peach is dying to kiss is Pauline, with her perfect curves and even more perfect hair hanging from her shoulders and-.

For toad's sake, what was with her?

"I won't, and thank you." Peach courtly responded. "You look gorgeous yourself."

The brunette couldn't hold back a grin of her own, then felt her hand trying to betray her by traveling up to the Princess's cheek, which she quickly took back down to intertwine her fingers with Peach's.

"Quick question though," the Princess intervened. "Why had you got two swimsuits in hand?"

Pauline scratched her neck. "Ah, well, government meetings, they're really flexible, and in summer I always wear one beneath my clothes. And one time the bottom got ripped, since then I always take with me an extra one."

"Fair enough," the blonde answered.

Let's ༶Switch⁠༶⁠ This Once (Peach x Pauline)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat