The waiter event came by with their order and Toya smiled as he watched Nami eat her cookie. It was larger than he thought it would be. Toya chuckled as Nami struggled to eat it all. "Don't force yourself, dear." Nami exhaled, "It's just too much!" Toya crossed his arms and leaned back, "Now imagine if you were to order all of those other things too."

"Uh oh, I think I'd be sick." The two laughed. After settling down, Toya couldn't help but over hear a concversation from in front of them. Nami seems to hear it as well.

"Ugh! I can't stand him. That stupid Akito! I swear I don't understand how anybody'd get along with him." The girl with brown hair fussed. "Shinonome? Isn't he your-" The other person out of Toya's line of sight was cut off, "Don't even mention it." Toya couldn't help but get agitated as he got confirmation that it was his friend Akito they were talking about.

"Nami, stay here for a moment." Toya said as he stood up. As Toya got closer his anger only seemed to intensify. Who even were these people to speak so illy of Akito? What did they know about him? The girls looked at Toya. They seemed to be around the same age as him. "Ena? Do you know him? He's cute?" The blonde one whispered to the brown. "No??? Excuse me, can I help you..?" The brunette asked.

"Yes you can, you can keep your mouth shut regarding Akito Shinonome." Toya frowned. Ena's eyes widened before she started to laugh. "You know him?" Toya furrowed his brow. Why did she think this was funny? "Sorry, he's my little brother." She laughed as she stood up. The other girl spoke, "I have to go, catch up with you later Ena." "Bye Mizuki!"

"You're Akito's sister?" Toya was taken aback. Nami walked up by Toya's side. "Yes, I am. I have the right to talk shit about him." She asserted. Toya was unamused. Wow, they really were related. "Okay then, we'll be leaving now." Toya began to softly and slowly push Nami out the door. "You wait just a second!" Ena called out.

Toya sighed, "What is it?" Ena looked down, "You're his friend right?" Nami walked over to Ena, "Aki lives with us~" She smiled. Toya tensed up. "Oh... I would've never guessed that Akito was gay." Ena gasped. "It's not like that." Toya blushed. Ena blinked. "He's just a homeless leech who decided to never leave the second I let him in." Toya sighed.

"Homeless..? Wow sorry you have to deal with that." Ena deflated. "Daddy's a liar, Aki and him get along together well. They're like my parents." Nami teased. "So you are dating? Are you just shy?" Ena pried. "That's..." Toya frowned. He thought of Sherry, he knew better than to feel embarrassed right now... But... Ena smiled, "Well whatever you guys are, I'm glad to see Akito is doing well."

Toya tilted his head, "Do you not speak?" Ena frowned. "We need to get that runt somewhere else before I start talking." Toya narrowed his eyes, he disliked her harsh words. He picked up Nami. "Do you want to go to the park, dear? There's one nearby." He prayed she'd accept his request for once. To his relief she agreed.

After the three walked over to the park Nami went off to play leaving Ena and Toya alone to talk. Ena leaned against a light pole. "Well, Akito still texts me once in a while, but not much. The jerk has me worried to death." Toya thought for a moment. "Why doesn't he?" He spoke. Ena looked to the side as if she were visualizing the memory, "Back in highschool, Akito changed. He became withdrawn and dropped all of his talents. He spent most of his time alone..."

Toya felt the pain of being able to relate. "Then, after he graduated, he ran away from home, and never spoke to our parents again. No wonder he became homeless on his own," Ena sighed. Toya was perplexed, "If that's so then when would he have gotten the time to learn how to cook and clean and sing and play the guitar?" Ena blinked, "Huh..? He never..?" She was utterly confused as well.

Toya clenched his fist, he wanted to know what happened back in high-school. Why did Akito resent his parents? Was he like Toya? And what drove Akito to want to reach out to Toya? It pained him... He knew Akito was hiding something, but there wasn't anything to go off of. And now... He ran over and grabbed Nami. He had to figure out what was going on. He wasn't going to let Akito brush him off this time.

The drive back home had never felt so long. He made sure to grab Ena's number before he left. He looked to see Nami was asleep in the back seat, he assumed the sugar rush of the cookie had worn off by now. He smiled slightly before focusing back on the road.

After parking he carefully picked Nami up and entered their home. He was amazed to see how clean everything looked. He placed Nami down on the couch before walking over to Akito who was in the kitchen, still in his apron.

"Oh, hey Toya. How'd things go." Akito smiled. "Well, to say the least. I think I've finally gotten this single parenting thing down." Toya sighed. Akito chuckled, "Yeah..." Akito looked to the side. Toya glared at him, "Akito. Are you hiding something from me?"

Akito blinked, "What do you mean?" Toya held Akito's wrist as he frowned. "Akito, I spoke to your sister, Ena today." Akito's mouth opened slightly before compressing swiftly back together. His face full of silent contempt. "Tell me, why'd you run away? Were you in a bad situation?" Toya asked sternly yet his eyes softened at Akito's expression.

"Stuff like that, isn't any of your business." Akito said turning around. Toya frowned. Come to think of it, this was the first time Akito had denied a request that Toya made. Toya clenched his fists. What happened to all of that determination? Was it all just talk? No... He really wanted to...

"None of my business..?" Toya let his hand fall down to Akito's fingers. "That's not fair... I opened up to you... Akito. I care about you so please, don't ignore my worries!" Toya said as his heart raced uncontrollably. Akito's eyes widened as a blush filled his cheeks.

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