Chapter Three- The Ruins.

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When Matt walked through the door, his eyes turned back to their natural blue color, that weird orange-eyed form. What was that about? He didn't have any time to ponder about it, he spotted a small patch of grass. In the patch of grass, was a flower. A flower with a face?. Matt walked towards it confused. "Excuse me?" Matt asked, scared and shaking. The adrenaline was gone so he was fully scared down, The flower jolted, being taken by surprise, "Oh! H-Howdy Human! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! How did you end up... here...?" Flowey realized who Matt was. The flower looked at him confused, "How in the hell did you end up here!?" "I-I escaped the lab... P-please... I don't want to go back..." Tears started to swell up on Matt's face, he didn't want to be a prisoner again. Flowey softly frowned. He saw a bit of himself in Matt. Both suffered from the war. Flowey was stuck being a flower because the humans killed him. His death started the war. Matt was stuck in the underground, losing his entire family. Being alone for years. "Hey... Calm down pal, I won't hurt you..." Flowey said softly, using vines to climb up Matt's leg and ending up using the hood of the hoodie to sit in. "Listen, I don't know what they did to you. But it wasn't your fault. Monsters here. Don't like humans very much. There is one expectation I believe. If you trust me, I can help you make your life as comfortable and safe as possible." Flowey said smiling, Matt had lost all trust in Monsters because of the war. However, what was his other option? Stay alone and attempt to survive the rest of his life in fear? Trusting Flowey was his best option. "A-Alright.." Matt nodded, wiping the tears off his face. Flowey started to guide Matt around, the pair ended up in a place called the Ruins.

While they were making their way through, Matt wanted to get to know Flowey, he was his only 'friend' at the moment "So. If monsters hate humans so much... Why don't you hate me then?" "Because personally, I'm not a fan of the monsters here either. It's a long story, Kid." Flowey replied, sighing while saying the last sentence. "I'd like to hear the long story of Flowey. You don't have to tell me of course." Matt softly smiled, Flower was surprised, nobody was this nice to him before, "Maybe later, first let's get you through the Ruins safely." Flowey helped Matt navigate through the multiple puzzles in the Ruins. "Hey Pal, I don't mean to be rude but, why is your hoodie so oversized and dusty?.." When Flowey asked this, Matt instantly started to tear up, responding to Flowey's question with a couple sniffles, He instantly felt bad, and started to comfort Matt again "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it.." "No. It's ok.. and to answer your question... It's my brother's... hoodie..." Flowey's eyes widened in shock. He understood. "How..?" Flowey asked quietly, Matt frowned "Asgore..." Matt said he was barely able to say the name. He was holding an ocean of tears. Flowey's soft expression turned to one of anger "That bastard..." Flowey mumbled, he hated the king with his whole soul "That old man will pay..."

Matt sat against a wall, sighing before letting all his tears out, crying with all his emotion. Flowey stayed quiet, Matt needed this moment for himself. His loud cries attracted some monsters, but Flowey scared them off. However, one monster heard the cries and rushed to it. Flowey saw them and smiled, it was the person to who he was referring. When this monster spotted Flowey, they instantly formed a fireball, ready to shoot it at him, Flowey appeared behind them "Listen. This human needs our help, I'll explain more later, let him be for a couple minutes and when he's calm down, then it's best to approach him" The monster was stubborn. However, when she saw the face of the human, a massive frown formed on her face, she looked at Flowey and nodded, walking home. Eventually, Matt fell asleep, Flowey realized he was asleep and smiled, disappearing for a minute before the lady came by and picked up Matt. Holding him as if Matt was a baby. The same way his brother would pick him up and carry him. A soft smile appeared on his face as he slept, despite all he was through, he seemed to be having a positive dream. The Monster carried Matt all the way to her home, walking into a child's bedroom and placing him on the bed smiling. Next, she got a flower pot on the cupboard next to the bed, so that Flowey could rest in it. Flowey smiled, disappearing before rising from the flower pot "Thank you Toriel" Flowey smiled slightly "No worries Flowey. Now, Explain please." Flowey had to lie, if he told the truth, he knew that word would somehow get around, and Matt would get captured, and then killed. "From what I know. The human just fell into the underground before The entrance caved in. He must have been scavenging to survive for however long he's been here. One day he found me, and I guided him through the Ruins. To you. I know how much you care for humans. Please, let him stay here." Flowey begged, he cared for his friend's safety. Toriel was surprised, she couldn't remember the last time Flowey cared for anybody, let alone a human child. However, she didn't question it. "Of course, I'll let him stay here. In fact, you can stay here as well, it seems you two are great friends. And I wouldn't want the child to feel alone in the ruins, I know better than anybody how lonely it can get here..." Toriel said quietly, Kneeling down and gently placing the back of her hand on Matt's forehead. Smiling before standing up. "Can I get you anything?" "I'm good, thanks Toriel," Flowey answered before yawning. He was tired too. Toriel left the room as the pair slept through the night.

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