Chapter 16 - Captain Dale Dye

Start from the beginning

"If you ever get tired of us just think about how many men she had to deal with!" Barry chuckled.

That night Austin, Callum and I cleaned up all the mess and retreated to our bedrooms, well Austin did, I changed and tip-toed over to Callums where I knocked on the door.
"You could not have come any slower." he said, placing his hands on my lower back.

"I could've" I said grinning and putting my lips to his. He had so much pent up lust and passion that what I was expecting to be a quick makeout sesh, become an hour long. His hands moved around my body. When they slipped under my shirt and grazed my back to lift it over my head. I knew that Callum and I weren't just friends, I knew I was falling in love with him.

"Callum, I'm ready. If you are, of course." I said nervously

"I have never been more ready."


"I just lost my virginity to Callum Turner!" I said screaming on the phone to Sophia. I was in a gas station bathroom while Callum and Austin filled up the car.

"No you didn't, oh my God. Was it good? First times are never good." She said, screaming back.

"I mean I have nothing to compare it to but it was perfect. He went slow and it was like we transported to another planet." I replied laughing, "and we woke up in a honeymoon state, no awkwardness. He's been so nice and flirty with me today too. Sophia I genuinely think I'm falling in love with him."

"AHHH this is so amazing! How do you lose yours to the hottest guy on the planet and I lost mine to some random guy in high school. Life is not fair." Sophia replied

"Ok I gotta go, I'm in the bathroom right now but I'll call you when we make it to the flat after bootcamp. I love you bye!"

"Love you!"

I was walking on a cloud, I know that sounds cringe but I genuinely was. I climbed back in the car, I was wearing leggings and a lulu top. I knew we were running but that was it for all I knew we were crawling in the dirt.

"What are we expecting today?" Austin asks

"I think Captain Dye will make us run, I bet he gives us a uniform to wear or something. And then I think he teaches us how to march." Callum responds

"All I know is we have to call each other by the actual character names." I said. Callum locked eyes with me in the rear view making me blush and get butterflies at the same time. He grinned a grin that tears me to pieces. As we pulled into the parking lot of what was basically a warehouse and a field the butterflies that were once ones for Callum became ones of anxiety for the unknown of today. I stayed next to Callum as we walked into the room that was literally about 10 real life military guys and 100 other guys all wearing the same sweats.

"Are we late?" I whispered under my breath

"No, it starts in 10 minutes" Callum responded as his hand found the small of my back.

"Callum, Austin and Eve! This is Captain Dale Dye, he's running these two weeks and he'll be on set the entire time. He is the best of the best!" Tom introduced us.

"Nice to meet you John, Gale and Grace '' Captain Dye said, calling us by our characters, "You three are the heart of this production, if these men don't see you as leaders this shoot doesn't work. Grace, you got a lot of work to do being the only woman but thats why I'm here. These sweats are your uniform for this boot camp. You get four pairs and only four pairs wear them every day. Sundays are rest days, take advantage of them. Besides that, the rest will be introduced to you today. Go ahead and change right now, and you are to refer to me as captain ok?"

"Yes captain" I responded holding four pairs of sweats that were black and had masters of the air printed on them.

"He's charming" I said, turning to Austin and Callum as we walked to find the restrooms.

"Very, like a human hug." Austin said laughing.

"No way!" I said as we get to the restroom and there was only a men's restroom.

"Oh and Grace, the real Grace didn't have a women's restroom so neither will you." Captain Dye called.

"Okay then." I said, pushing the door open, "I don't know how you guys use urinals." I said laughing as I locked myself in a stall.

"You'll get used to it" Callum said. This is going to be a long two weeks.

Authors note:

Guys I love that Callum and Due are happy together but it literally breaks my heart

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