Victoria moved towards the blonde, positioning herself close to her ear.

"Then leave, the door is to your left." she whispered in the blonde's ear.

Reneé separated from her and approached the door. "Wait, don't leave! Please."

Bruno said as he stood from his chair. The blonde turned towards him, but her hand was still  on the door handle.

"Can you guys please stop?! You are behaving like babies" He raised his hands in the air.

"You are both adults, and need to be professional. You are working so please stop fighting over some stupid things! We are all tired from this shit."

The room went into a heavy silence.

"So? Are you two going to behave like proper adults just for once?" He runs his finger through his chocolate brown hair.

"Sure.." Victoria said listlessly.

"Uhg, fine!" Reneé said, walking back to her chair.

"Perfect!" Bruno clapped his hands. "Let's start then." he smiled.

Miraculously there was no fight afterwards and everything went well, only hateful glances exchanged between the 2 blondes, but Bruno was happy that they made  an effort for him.

May 28, 2019

The rehearsal ended later than Victoria expected and she headed home later than usual. When she arrived home Jake was in the kitchen making dinner, weird.

"Jake? What are you doing in the kitchen?" she smiled but couldn't quite get it

"Doing dinner for my beautiful girlfriend"

"I see that, but why?"

"Oh, so now I can't make a romantic dinner for my girl?" He smiled, then he grabbed 2 plates and served the pasta.

"I mean, of course you can, it's just you've never cooked anything, you caught me off guard" She walked over to him and stood on tiptoe to kiss him slowly. "

She helped him set the table, and afterwards he played romantic music to set the mood . "How was your day, baby?" She asked, eating the first bite of their food.

The pasta was fucking horrible, but she swallowed it anyway. Her boyfriend had put in a lot of effort for this meal.

At those words, her boyfriend's face seemed to twitch a little, but she let it go.

"It was fine, there wasn't much work to do so I left early and decided to make this dinner for you," She smiled and grabbed Jake's hand over the table.

"I decided to make this because since you started working in theater you just go straight to bed and don't have any more time for me." He said in what sounded like a tone of disgust, but Victoria wasn't sure.

He began to pour more wine in her glass.

"Well..It's work baby, sometimes it gets really exhausting and all I wanna do is sleep." She squeezed his hand and smiled warmly at him.

"I have to sing, act and sometimes dance." She avoided mentioning the constant fights with a certain blonde. That was more exhausting than her own job.

Jake let go of her hand disdainfully, the smile that once was on the blonde's face disappeared. Since what happened a few days ago Victoria has been making excuses to avoid Jake as much as possible. Now every time they tried to talk calmly he lost his temper and started yelling at her for minor things.

She thought that since he had made dinner today it was his way of apologizing.

She was wrong.

Victoria could tell that by the way he let go of her hand that he was about to start yelling at her again.

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