Chapter 5

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—Start of Chapter—

March uses her ultimate skill, but her attack is completely blocked by a blonde man.

"H-hey... he looks like the final boss type of guy, doesn't he?" You say as you notice his uniform is different from the others.

"I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance."

"I was right!"

"Grr, that Sampo cheated us all. Wait till I get my hands on him..." March says angrily.

"Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!" Another soldier says to March.

"Ugh, so I'm a criminal, huh? Forget Sampo, wait until I get my hands on YOU!"

The fight continues until the Captain notices something off.

"... And the prime suspect? The one with the blue hair?"

"Apologies, Captain! W-we lost him during the pursuit. We can't find his footprints..."

The man named Gepard seems quite disappointed but shakes it off. "No matter, we have his accomplices. He'll be close by, plotting his next move."

"We're not his accomplices," Stelle says, tired of the whole misunderstanding.

"Yeah, we'd never team up with someone like him!" March adds.

However, Gepard's face stays stoic, causing March to try and explain further to hopefully clear up the mess.

"I'm not trying to talk our way out of this, but... we're not friends with that scoundrel. Did you see how fast he ditched us?"

"We rescued him from the snow out of the kindness of our hearts. We had no idea he might be using us to get past you! Are you really dumb enough to fall for his..." March's voice slowly dies out as she realizes they aren't focusing on her words.

"I'm a captain, not an adjudication panel. As a Belobog citizen, you have the right to defend yourself, but that can only take place under the scrutiny of the Architects, not now. Take them away," Gepard says mercilessly.

"But we're not from Belobog!" March lets out.

"Does our equipment bear any resemblance to yours?" Stelle adds.

"Silence! What kind of nonsense are you—"

"As you were. We must not be tempted into careless judgment. Look at their relics. We've never excavated anything like them before, and I haven't seen anything similar in our museums."

"Exactly! A-and we even have photos!"

Desperate for them to believe her, March walks up to the soldiers.

"You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI..."

March 7th shows Gepard a picture of the ice-covered planet.

"... You mean to say that this... white ball... That's here? That's our home? How can that..." A soldier scoffs.

"..." Gepard thinks for a moment before he remembers something he heard a while back.

"It is said that a long time ago, strange visitors from beyond the sky would visit us here... but that after the Eternal Freeze, the blizzards made passage impossible... and Belobog would cease to witness such arrivals."

"But these people are—" A soldier tries to say.

"This decision is beyond us. If what they say is true, then only the supreme guardian may decide their fate. Our job is to present them before her. Nothing more."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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