Adam: Pov

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I lazily open the door to my house. My back was killing me as after the whole emotional shit with the exorcist I actually did some training. I slowly walk to my room to change out of the robe I was wearing. I but on a black shirt with boxers and headed into the bathroom. When I turn the light on I take a good look in the mirror. Holy fuck I look awful. I haven't been taking care of myself these past few months. I haven't shaved my beard since that night and my hair was a curly mess. But first I take a shower, the first one in two weeks. When I finish up I finally shave leaving that little stubble at the edge of my chin.

I head to my bed while also combing my knotted up hair. Once I was finished I was ready for bed. My bed is more like a nest I guess? I just found it more comfortable that way. As I curl up in a ball everything just hits me at once. All the trauma came back right in that moment. Lilith leaving, my poor Abel died, that fucking apple, all my attempts to move on with different bitches that never seemed to work. I just laid there tears streaming down my face I had no control of it.

I must've fallen asleep as I wake up at 5:00am my normal waking time. I slump up as I go to put on my ropes. I go to check my phone I don't usually get notifications cause. Hmm I don't fucking know why I just don't I guess. As I check I see a missed call.....from lute. Holy fucking shitballs. I-what do I fucking do here? She called me? Why? My heart is pounding I can feel my entire body shaking. I pause for a moment before I slowly open my phone and I call her back. I can't fucking believe I'm doing this.

The phone rings for a moment a part of me is hoping she picks up while the other hopes she doesn't.

"Hello" I hear as she picks up the phone.

"Hey uhh lute you called me?" I say sheepishly.

There's in awkward silence for a few moments before she spoke again.

"I want to talk with you Adam" she finally responds

I can her my breath picking up as I start hyperventilating.

"A-About what?" I stuttered

"It's to much to talk about on the phone can we meet at our usual spot?".

"Yea I can do that"

"Ok meet me there in a hour"

She hangs up the phone before I can respond. The was the first time I heard her voice in three months. That thought sent a shiver down my spine.

It's been 35 minutes since that phone call and I have yet to move. My thoughts are overwhelming me. Wondering what she could possibly want?
Before I can get lost in my thoughts even more I glance at the clock on my wall and holy fuck I'm gonna be late. I fly out of my house and rush my way over there.

I land in front of the establishment and I glance through the main window. I see her sitting there waiting for me in what was our usual spot. I take a deep breath as my hands start to shake as I go to open the door. Wait shit I almost forgot to put my mask on. Ok now we're good, yes definitely this is totally fine. I'm fine this is gonna end up so well.

I finally grow a pair and open the door. She looks up right at me as I gingerly walk over and take a seat across from her. Staring into her eyes I get horrified memories from the night on the gardens. Whatever she wants it better be fucking worth it.

"The fuck do you want?" I ask breaking the silence

She clears her throat "Adam there's something I need to tell you"

"Better be quick there's shit I need to do today bitch"

"Well remember the night in the gardens?"

"Hmmm let me think, OH YEAH, how could I forget it's the night where you shattered my heart in a million god damn pieces." I'm acting like such an asshole towards her. Serves her right.

"Well when you said ask me if I loved you and I said no I wasn't being entirely truthful".

"The fuck are you on about".

"Well sir" she paused for a moment still calling me sir even though she doesn't work for me anymore. She reaches over and puts her hand on top of mine "I love you".

Are you fucking serious

"HAHHHAAAHHA" I burst out in an obnoxious laugh.

She gives me a weird look

"Wait your being for real" I add on looking right at her.

"Yes, is that not what you wanted?" She asked

"Your fucking crazy" I say as I stand up to go and leave.

I make it out the door and start walking down the street when a hear someone running after me.

"Adam wait please" she grabs my hand and pulls me around to face her.

"I thought you wanted me?" She asked

I take a deep breath trying not to blow up in front of everyone in fucking heaven.

"I did lute I really did but that was before you broke my heart ghosted me for three months and then come out of the blue and change your fucking mind right when I was trying to move the fuck on" I just let it all out on her

"That's not fair sir, you didn't contact me either"

"You think I didn't want to? I stared at my phone every night wondering if this was the fucking day I should call".

It all went quite we just looked at each other.

"I'm tired of playing these games I'm tired of always fighting with you lute".

"Me to sir me to"

Let's go to my place I need to talk to you in private. She agreed and we set off and flew back to my house. Once we enter she follows me to my room where I take my mask off to look at her with my real face.

"I can't deal with another woman leaving me lute" I started "Lilith, Eve, you once I can't take it anymore".

"Sir I promise I won't leave agai-"

"What changed your mind?" I asked cutting her off

"What do you mean?" She responded

"I mean why do you love me now and not three months ago?"

"I spoke with Sera and she helped me find my real feelings for you".

"But what about heavens view on us that you cared about so much?"

"Fuck heaven view I only care about you now"

"Funny how you didn't trust me when I said that"

"Sir please I just want to move on with my life with you in it romantically or not I need you sir"

I froze there for a moment those words pulled my heart strings like never before.

"Ok then" I say as a walk past her and reach for something in my closet.

"What are you doing sir?" She asked

"Here it is" I pulled out lutes exorcist uniform that she turned into me

"Here come me my lieutenant again and show me that I can trust you again".

She hesitates for a moment before grabbing the uniform.

"Yes sir" she begins to walk out of the room with her head down.

"Oh lute one more thing"

"Yes sir" she looks back quickly

"I'm glad to be friends again" I offer her my hand and she shakes it somberly.

Before I could add on any further dialogue she speeds out of my room

"See you tomorrow sir" I hear her yell in a raspy voice.

I think I did the right decision even though I fucking loved her and I still do. I don't want to take a chance and someone else leaving again. Never again.

Adam X Lute: Undying Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن