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After a long and gruesome day of training with Adam and the other Exorcist I was beat.
I sluggishly made my way to my apartment the thought of lying in bed was overwhelming me.
When I reached my apartment door I could barely open it.

I was so sore but before I went to bed I needed to take a shower as I felt gross. I ran the water to a nice warm temperature and hoped in. After I was done I couldn't bother putting on PJs. So I just put on an oversized shirt and bellyflopped in bed. I was so tired and could barely move. My eyes were slowly inching closer and closer together when all of a sudden my phone buzzed.

At first a just ignored it, it couldn't be that important. But then a buzzed again and again. I got fed up and angrily grabbed it. They were texts coming from Adam oh boy. I could barely make out what he was saying. Then it clicked he was drunk. He likes to get drunk but he doesn't usually message me unless he's lonely. I just put it off for now as I was too tired to deal with drunk Adam.

I put my phone back down and tried going back to sleep. I should've known better as in that moment Adam tried calling me. I angrily hung up and tried to go sleep but he called again so i finally had enough and picked it up.

"LuTe YuO shouLd comMe hanG with meee." Adam stated with a slurred voice.

"No sir it's late and we have training tomorrow" I replied.

"YoUr no Fun bitCh".

"I'm sorry sir but I'm tired and I need to sleep".

"WhatEver I Didn't wANt to HanG With yUOr bitch aSS anyWay".

Before I hung up the phone I heard Adam start getting into a verbal fight with someone. I was fed up but Adam was my closest friend and I didn't want him to get hurt. So I sluggishly threw my uniform back on and went to go and find Adam.

He usually goes to the same bar as he's been kicked out of almost all the other ones. It's called "A Taste of Heaven" pretty cheesy I know. As I walk in I see him face planted on the table. I walk up to him to see if he was ok.

"Sir are you ok" I say as I shake him.
He slowly looks up at me.

"Everything hurts" he whimpers.

"Ok let's take you home sir, it's late".

"I don't wanna go home the party is just getting started" he stands up and as he does he trips and falls. 

I tried not to laugh as I help him up.

"Ok seriously sir I don't want sera seeing you like this".

"You're such a party pooper bitch lute".

"That's a new insult".

I help him up and guide him towards the door he could barely walk he must of drank the entire bar. As we were walking he was going so much slower than usual. His house was half way across town while mine was much closer. You know not that I want him over or anything but it would be much easier.

"Sir do you just want to crash at my place".

"Yea, yea whatever" he said barely paying attention.

25 minutes go by and we are finally at my apartment door. I push the door open and guide Adam to my couch.

"You can sleep here sir, is that alright?" I say.

"Yea sure that's fine" he replied half awake.

He see him fall like a tree on to my couch and he immediately fell asleep. Thank god now I can get some sleep. I went to go take my uniform off and put my big shirt back on. I climbed back in my bed ready to finally go to sleep when Adam starts talking again.

"Lute" he said .

"Yes sir" I said with a growl.

"Thanks for putting up with my shit".

" it's not a problem sir now go to bed".

"Lute one more thing".

"Yes sir what is it".

"I think I kinda love you" passing out on the couch right after saying that.

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now