Wake up! To the store!

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"Emi, wake up!" Keith yelled. "Emi, if you don't wake up, I will punch you!" Emi got up and looked at Keith. "How dare you ruin my best dream yet, I will slap your face so hard that you will get brain damage." Emi said with a disappointed tone. "Shut up romance lover." Keith said. "Hey you two, stop fighting and let's go to the store!" Ethan said with an excited tone. "Why?" Keith asked. "Because I forgot the food, little dude." Ethan said.

Keith, Ethan and Emi grabbed their stuff and went to the nearby convenience store. "Alright middle schoolers, you guys stay here while I get us some food" Ethan said.
"Can't we come with you?" Emi asked. "No." Ethan entered the store and saw two of his classmates, so he decided to walk over to them. "Hello Mari, and Aidyn? How have you two been?" Ethan said. "Hey Ethan, where were you yesterday?" Mari asked.       "Gone, also hello Aidyn. And why are you guys here?" Ethan asked. "We're here to get something for our Mom's birthday." Mari said. "Okay, well I'm here to get some food."

Ethan had left the store after buying the food. "So, we can't go back to the forest because the police are searching for us." Ethan said to Emi and Keith. "Where do we go now?" Keith asked. "Niko's house?" Ethan said. "Sure, let's go there." Emi said.

"Wait, who is Niko?" Keith asked. "My friend. You met him two years ago, remember?" Ethan said. "Oh, I remember now. Okay let's go." Keith said. As they were walking to Niko's house, Keith spotted a cat. "Hey, it's a cat!" Keith said. "Can I pet it?" Keith asked. "Sure." Ethan said.

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