Classic Aussi Meat Pie

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A popular Australian lunch option is the classic Aussie meat pie. Here's a simple recipe to make it at home:

- 500g (about 1 lb) ground beef or lamb
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 cup beef or vegetable broth
- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 sheets of store-bought shortcrust pastry
- 2 sheets of store-bought puff pastry
- 1 egg, beaten (for egg wash)

1. Preheat your oven to 200°C (about 400°F).
2. In a large skillet, cook the chopped onion and minced garlic until softened.
3. Add the ground beef or lamb to the skillet and cook until browned, breaking it apart with a spoon as it cooks.
4. Stir in the tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, beef or vegetable broth, salt, and pepper. Simmer for about 10 minutes until the mixture thickens slightly. Remove from heat and let it cool.
5. While the meat mixture is cooling, prepare your pie crusts. Line pie dishes or individual pie tins with the shortcrust pastry, trimming off any excess.
6. Fill the pastry-lined pie dishes with the cooled meat mixture.
7. Place the puff pastry sheets over the top of the pies, trimming off any excess. Press the edges of the pastry together to seal and crimp with a fork.
8. Brush the tops of the pies with the beaten egg to create a golden crust.
9. Cut a small slit in the top of each pie to allow steam to escape during baking.
10. Bake the pies in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown and crispy.
11. Serve the Aussie meat pies hot, either on their own or with your favorite side dishes like mashed potatoes and peas.

Enjoy your homemade Aussie meat pies!

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