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Chapter 18

Karan stood outside the room, his back pressed against the wall, his mind consumed by a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. Inside the room, his mother and Meera had followed, leaving him alone in the hallway. His heart ached with worry for Tiya, and he longed to be by her side, to hold her hand and reassure her that everything would be alright.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Tiya lay on the bed, her gaze drifting towards Meera as she entered. Her eyes fell upon Meera's bulging bump, and a soft smile graced her lips. Despite the pain and uncertainty that surrounded her, Tiya found solace in the sight of her sister-in-law's growing belly, a symbol of hope and new life amidst the darkness that enveloped her.

The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft hum of the machines monitoring Tiya's condition. Each moment felt weighted with tension and anticipation, as if the very air itself held its breath, waiting for a sign of what was to come.

Unable to resist the pull of his wife's presence, Karan slipped into the room, his heart heavy with worry and love. He stood in the corner, his eyes fixed on Tiya as she lay on the bed, her gaze transfixed on the ceiling.

Tiya's voice was barely a whisper as she pointed upwards, her eyes filled with a distant light. "Mera beta. Woh dekho. Mera beta," she whispered, her words sending a shiver down Karan's spine. "My baby. He is smiling at me," she continued, her voice filled with awe and wonder. "He is calling me," she said weakly, her voice trailing off into a whisper.

Confusion and concern filled the room as everyone looked towards the ceiling, searching for something that wasn't there. Meera pressed her hand against her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stifled her cries and ran out of the room, unable to bear the sight of her sister-in-law's pain.

Suddenly, the patient monitor began beeping loudly, its alarm piercing the tense silence of the room. Medical staff rushed inside, their faces grave with concern as they worked to stabilise Tiya's condition.

"Please, everyone leave the room," one of the doctors instructed, urgency in their voice as they ushered everyone out.

Karan's heart pounded in his chest as he watched helplessly from the doorway, his mind reeling with fear and confusion. "What happened to her... what happened to my wife?" he cried out, his voice filled with anguish as tears streamed down his cheeks. He felt as though his world was crumbling around him, and all he could do was stand there, powerless, as the love of his life slipped further and further away from him.

Outside the room, the tension was palpable as the family members anxiously awaited news from the doctors. Atharva, Meera's husband, arrived with their toddler son, Adit, rushing to support his wife as she broke down in tears. He held her close, his arms a source of comfort amidst the chaos.

Suddenly, the doctor emerged from the room, his expression grave as he delivered the devastating news. "Multiple organ failure," he reported somberly, his words hanging heavily in the air. "She has only two to three hours, max."

Shock and despair rippled through the gathered family members as the reality of the situation sank in. Rekha collapsed onto a nearby steel chair, her body wracked with sobs of grief. Meera's tears flowed freely as she clung to her husband, her heart breaking at the thought of losing her beloved sister-in-law.

Karan, overcome with anguish and despair, felt his legs give out beneath him. He crumpled to the floor, the weight of his grief overwhelming him as he lost consciousness.

As he walked into the room after everyone, his heart heavy with sorrow, he was met with the sight of Tiya lying on her deathbed, her face serene despite the pain she must have been feeling. She looked up and saw him, and a soft smile graced her lips.

"It's time, Karan," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Haina?" she asked, her smile growing wider.

Karan's heart clenched at her words, the weight of their impending farewell crushing him with unbearable pain. He reached out to touch her, but she raised her hand to caress his cheek instead. Tears welled up in his eyes as he leaned into her touch.

"I thought we had more time, Tiya," he whispered brokenly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I have always loved you, Tiya. It's impossible not to love you... Tiya, I have so much to say," he cried, his words choked with grief.

Tiya, on her deathbed, seemed to radiate a sense of peace and acceptance. "I have loved you for ten years, Karan. You are my first love," she said softly, her words a balm to his wounded soul. Karan cried even harder at her confession, the depth of their love overwhelming him.

Even on her deathbed, Tiya refused to hold on to any hurt or disappointments. "I forgive my parents who abandoned me. I forgive my husband who longed for another woman while married to me. I... forgive everyone," she said, her voice filled with a sense of peace and acceptance.

"No... no... Tiya, I never longed for anyone except you after marriage, please believe me" Karan protested, his tears falling like rain as he held her hand tightly.

A smile graced Tiya's lips as she spoke again, her words filled with a quiet resolve. "Bid me farewell as a new bride... will you?" she managed to say, her voice barely a whisper.

Karan, his heart breaking into a million pieces, managed to nod, his tears blurring his vision as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I am not an orphan... I have a family. They are here with me. They are here for me," Tiya said, her gaze shifting to the family standing in the doorway.

And then, with a last smile, the patient monitor went flat, the sound of the flat beeping resonating in the room, marking the end of Tiya's journey and the beginning of her eternal peace.


Hare Krishna

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