"Stop circling each other like dance partners and attack!"

Ridoc launched towards Aurelie, but she ducks, sweeping out her leg and tripping him. He staggers but doesn't go down. He pivots quickly, palming a dagger in his hand.

"Ridoc no blades today remember!" I shout at him. He scowls at me but sheaths his blade just in time to block a right hook from his opponent.

"The brunette packs a punch," Rhiannon says, turning to me.

"Ridoc packs a pretty good one too," I say just in time to see him jab at Aurelie's ribs.

"Shit!" he says, taking a step back "I don't want to hurt you."

"Who says you hurt me?" the girl responds.

"Pulling your punches does her a disservice," Dain says moving to their mat "The cygnis on the northeast border aren't going to give her any quarter because she's a woman if she falls from her dragon behind enemy lines, Ridoc. They'll kill her all the same." That statement is the first smart thing I've heard him say.

"Let's go!" Aurelie shouts, beckoning Ridoc with her finger. She slips a jab from Ridoc then twists and lands a punch to his kidneys. That's gotta hurt. Ridoc charges Aurelie, taking her to the mat with brute force. She hooks her legs around his and somehow leverages him over until she's the one on top, landing punch after punch to the side of his face. Blood spatters the mat. Shit his face is going to be seriously fucked up after that. A tooth has to go flying before Professor Emetterio gets involved. Aurelie rolls off of Ridoc and stands, touching her fingers to her split lip and examining the blood, then offers her hand to help him up. He takes it. Ridoc walks up to me smiling and I notice he has all his teeth, at least it wasn't his tooth that went flying.

"What happened to being undefeatable?" I cock my brow at him as he takes his shirt back.

"Hey, I still have all my teeth," he snaps at me.

"Fair point, but I would take that as a loss, you were on the bottom,"

"Being bottom isn't the worst thing to ever happen," he says, winking at me. I roll my eyes at him, scoffing at his audacity. His confidence is as big as ever even after basically losing a fight.

Our conversation is interrupted by a scream rising up through the room. We look over to see another first-year in a headlock, he's a lot smaller than Barlowe. Just as I turn my attention away from them I hear a blood curdling crack rush through the room.

"Holy fuck."

"That's.....pretty gross" says Ridoc grimacing into his hand. Jack stands and drops the limp body to the ground looking proud of himself. He might be more insane than I thought.

"What did I say?!" Emetterio shouts, charging at Jack. "you broke his damned neck!"

"How was I supposed to know his neck was that weak?"Jack argues.

"Eyes forward," Emetterio orders, his tone softer than before." You don't have to get used to it, but you do have to function through it. You and you." he points to Rhiannon and another person and motions for them to get on the mat. He scans the room looking for another pair. "Pryor you go with Sariah,". Thank gods. I was getting bored just standing here.

"No knives Saeri, give 'em' here " Ridoc makes a grabbing motion.

"I wasn't planning to use them, you know that right?" I scowl, grabbing them from their hiding spots and hand them off to Ridoc.

"I never know with you actually," he states. I stick my tongue out at him and move over to the mat. Pryor. I'm almost the same height as him, but he's a little more built, but he also looks nervous as fuck.

Burning Promise I a fourth wing ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu