Chapter 3

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------------Misty's House----------
*knock knock*
Misty: "That's for me, i'll grab it!"
She runs down the stairs and opens the door.
Misty: "OMG you finally made it!"
Bill Nye the Science Guy: "well of course I did, you needed my help right?"
Misty: "yes, yes, come in, I meed you to make something!"
Bill: "okie dokie artichoke."
They go upstairs to Misty's bedroom. He puts a briefcase on her floor and clicks a button. It opens and turns into a science lab.
Bill: "Okay, so what are we making?"
Misty: "A time machine, I figured it out!"
Bill: "Okay! Let's do it."
After about 4 days of nonstop working, the time machine is finally complete!
Misty: "We did-"
Misty: "Mum I told you that website was fake."
Misty's dad: "Nope it's real! We'll see you after 2 weeks, have fun with your friend."
Misty: "Ugh whatever, bye."
She turns back to Bill.
Misty: "Sorry about that, anyway, pass me the time machine, I know exactly what to do now."
Bill: "Okay, but be careful now-"
Misty: "Shush, please, it's my invention, so I decide how to use it. Mwhahahahaha"
Bill gives her a weird look and quickly exits.

-------------At school--------------
Misty: "Hmm, it's a Tuesday, so the yellowjackets must have SE next."
Misty starts heading to the classroom when she bumps into Nat, Lottie and Laura Lee.
Nat: "Woah watch where you're going Misty."
Misty: "Sorry guys, I just need to get to SE, it's an important class"
She lets out a little giggle.
Lottie: "Um..are you okay?"
Lottie and Nat both share a weird look.
Laura Lee: "Babe, leave her alone. *whispering* What if there is something actually wrong with her?"
Misty: "I can hear you, you know, and anyway, nothing is wrong with me, I just enjoy learning with Ben."
Nat: "Okay.."
The 3 head off to class, giggling to each other. This only makes Misty more angry. She enters the class and sits in her usual seat.
She waits for the last couple of people to arrive so her plan can finally start.
Coach: "Okay class, this lesson is important, it's about contraception."
He starts playing a video and hands out protection.
Randy: "Um sir, this is too small for me."
Van: "Wow Randy, if this is too small, you might wanna go see a doctor about that thing."
The class starts laughing, Misty turns around to look at them.
Misty: "Shut up, this is important."
The class gives her a weird look and someone says "shut up". This only makes Misty angry, she stand up and starts shouting at them all.
Misty: "You guys are all so self-centred. You thought I didn't hear you making fun of me because you lost the game..well I did."
Tai: "What is happening.."
Misty pulls out the time machine.
Misty: "If you wanna be mean, let's see how you like it when I send you back to 1883."
The class start laughing. Misty sets the year on her time machine to 1883 and hits all.
Everyone in the class disappears..


Yeah you can tell this is really random. But it's actually so fun to write!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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