Introduction to the characters

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Okay so this is going to contain all the YellowJackets characters, so let's introduce them all!

YellowJackets football team:

Jackie Taylor (she/her): the team's captain and striker, very popular, dating Shauna fake dating Jeff to coverup the fact shes lesbian. The team knows she's a lesbian, her parents do not. NOT A MEAN GIRL!!!!

Shauna Shipman (she/them): the team's holding midfielder, not popular, but not unpopular since she's "friends" with Jackie. Lesbian, Dislikes the fact that Jackie is closeted and fake dating Jeff, but doesn't want Jackie to feel rushed into coming out. Used to date Tai, but decided they were better off as friends.

Taissa Turner (she/her): the team's box-to-box midfielder, is a proud lesbian and dating Van. Best friends with Akilah. Her and Shauna came out around the same time, which led to them dating for a while. Knows everything about everyone but keeps it a secret cause she's awesome (Tai supremacy)

Van Palmer (they/them): the team's goalkeeper, a proud non-binary lesbian (HELL YEAHHHH), they're in a relationship with Tai, knows about Tai and Shauna and jokes about it with her all the time. A very big movie fanatic, they've watched almost every movie ever, even foreign ones!! Best friends with Nat.

Natalie Scatorccio (doesn't care what pronouns you use): the team's winger, dating both Lottie and Laura Lee, very big music lover, also loves to watch movies with Van.

Lottie Matthews (she/her): the team's centre back, dating Nat and Laura Lee, very popular in school but doesn't care cause it doesn't mean anything.

Laura Lee (she/her): the team's fullback, literally the kindest person you will ever meet, dating Nat and Lottie, see's the good in everyone.

Misty Quigley (she/her): the team's biggest supporter but nobody really likes her, has a crush on Ben, best friends with Krystal, knows everything about everyone and will use it against them.

Ben Scott (he/him): the team's coach, gay, hates Misty cause she's weirdly obsessed with him.

Travis Martinez (he/him): used to date Nat before realising he was gay and in love with Jeff (omg what the heck!! TravJeff 😸😸)

Krystal (last name unknown)(she/her): (unknown what position), best friends with Misty, loves theatre.

Akilah (last name unknown)(she/her): the team's backup winger, the nicest person ever, best friends with Tai, dating Mari.

Mari (unknown last name)(she/her): the team's fullback (i think she was anyway), loves to gossip, dating Akilah. Has a twitter account where she posts all the gossip.

Gen (no last name)(she/her): (unknown position), dating Melissa, close friends with Akilah and Mari.

Melissa (no last name)(she/him): (unknown position), dating Gen, friends with Akilah and Mari.

Jeff Sadecki (he/him): fake dating Jackie, is gay but refuses to accept he is. He likes Travis but thinks it's just friend jealousy.

Okay so that's all the characters introduced!! Yes it's very random, me and my friend came up with it at like 12am 😭. But it'll get better as it progresses!
Also the way this will be written is a dialogue (is that what it's called?) like the thingy they used with Macbeth idk if anyones actually read that buts it's got the speech and stage directions - similar to that.

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