Chapter 2

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The next day at practice, the girls are lined up whilst Ben is talking to them.
Ben: "Training is going to be easy today. But that doesn't give you the excuse to not try hard."
He starts handing out red bibs.
Ben: "Okay, red's you will be defending, everyone in position."
He blows the whistles and the shirts start passing the ball between the reds. They score a few and swap round. They play the same game again for a while.
Ben: "Okay girls, you can finish early, but do not tell coach Martinez. I can't be bothered to deal with him, and i'm in a rush."
The girls nod and head back to the locked room. Jackie is about to head in when she's pulled aside.
Jackie: "Hey, who did that?"
Misty: "Twas I, Misty Quigley. I have something to say to you."
Jackie: "Okay...speak."
Misty: "How dare you hurt my kitten Krystal..I would unleash the alpha on you..but I have information that I don't think you'd want certain people knowing..."
Jackie: "Misty..what the fuck..? Are you seriously going to snitch to my parents that i'm gay? There's a reason I haven't told them."
Misty: ", no, no, I'm on about Jeff..I will tell Travis he's in love with him.."
Jackie: "Okay? I think Jeff was going to tell him anyway. Has anyone told you that you're kinda weird?"
She laughs a little. Misty looks at her angrily and storms off. Jackie heads into the locker room.

Jackie: "Guys, I think Misty has got to be the weirdest person I know."
Mari: "You think? She's so insufferable."

---------Misty's bedroom---------
*text message to unknown*
Hello, I need your help with something.
What is it?
Doesn't matter, just get here quickly.
*end of messages*

-----------Mari's house-----------
Mari is plotting a prank on Misty.
Mari: "Surely her parents can't be THAT dumb."
Akilah: "I mean, a few people have fell for it. Are you sure you wanna do this?"
Mari: "Yes. If it plays out smoothly, Misty will be gone for 2 weeks to a lovely holiday to "Spain."
Akilah: "Okay, whatever you say."

Mari puts 2 tickets into an envelope, accidentally forgetting the 3rd one. She sends them off.

-----------End of Story------------

bro i'm ending this one short, i'm so tired at the minute.

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