M4 sopmod II :What!? Didn't you have you're UAV online!?

Ghost :Shh...be quiet...

M4 sopmod II :oops...sorry...

Ghost :my uav has a time limit. But I did get to know her last location.

M4 sopmod II :Where is she then?

Ghost :It's just a few 50 meters away from us. In our east.

M16A1 :Ok...now let's get going before--


Lucia :Sh*t, contact!

The Team was suddenly attacked by SF units, so they fired back at them in retaliation, while also taking cover.

Ghost :We can't get to M4 or AR-15, if we get pinned down here.

M16A1 :Then we need someone to get there.

Everyone :.....

Everyone was waiting for someone to volunteer, so Ghost steps in.

M4 sopmod II :I'll go then--

Ghost :I'll go.

Everyone :(!)

Ghost :But i'll go there by myself, while you girls get back to safety.

Lucia :What!? No that's insane!

M16A1 :You're gonna get yourself killed!

M4 sopmod II :Yeah, and I won't be able to take you're arm.

Lucia :What?

Ghost :Just give me covering fire. You knew what I did back when I was gone for 2 days?

Everyone :.....

Lucia :Fine then. I trust you.

M16A1 :So am I.

M4 sopmod II :Get back safely without damaging you're arm. (bonk by M16)

Ghost :Okay...then. Of I go.

He run through the battlefield while the Girl's distract the enemies so he can get through.

Few Minutes Later.....
Transport Route, Area S08

AR-15 and Alchemist are now on their limits.

Alchemist :It's all over, AR-15...
Creatures on the brink of death...should just stop struggling.

ST AR-15 :You're not...in much better shape yourself... Your forces on the outside have been wiped out by our commander. It's just a matter of time for Griffin units to make it out.

Alchemist :Humph. But M4A1 is the only one I'm after... Perhaps it's about time you handed her over if you don't want me to execute you because I run out patience.

ST AR-15 :Alchemist... You seem to have overlooked one thing...I never said...that I had M4A1 with me...

Alchemist :...?! I see... I see! Hahahahahahaha! You sure are fascinating, AR-15! Wonderful! Such heinous and underhanded treachery is exactly the kind of romance I seek! Pity...that it'll be over soon... An execution with only you present, no matter the form, is a bit of a bore...

Suddenly, someone shoots alchemist on both her legs, tearing them apart.

Alchemist :Gah! (thud)

ST AR-15 :(!?)

Ghost :You b*tch...

Ghost comes near to both of them.

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