Start from the beginning

Most humans that are among the higher ups had to work their way to reach there, probably do something extraordinary to them like save a royal or something, but that is like a one percent chance because how would a human save a supernatural, they had be dead so sometimes in honor of the dead they make their family one of the higher up but that is really rare, but why would anyone even save those stuck up supernatural.

I finished cleaning up my part of the kitchen and went to help Mary so she wouldn't get punished for being slow, she's still trying to get the hand of this kitchen duties.

Suddenly Head maid Victoria entered the kitchen, and everything went silent immediately. I stared at her pale figure as she looked around the room and when her gaze was almost at the side I stood, I lowered my head immediately.

"The royals will be having a small party in honor of the Queen Mother's birthday tomorrow and a ball the day after tomorrow with every Lord from each Kingdom present with their families, some servants and slaves will be chosen to help with the preparation and some to help during the party and the ball, be sure to be on your best behavior if you want your head intact" she said before her gaze swept around the room once again before walking out.

Everyone breathing a sigh of relief as her intimidating figure left before the kitchen turned to chaos once again, she might have found me as a baby and practically raised me, but she still scare me a lot.

Everyone is talking about the ball now, some happy because they would be able to sneak some of the good foods at the party but for some reason, I'm terrified. I hope I am not chosen because one little mistake leads to punishment such as wiping. I don't want to be punished; it is unbelievable that a slave has been living in the castle for up to twenty years now and I've not been punished once. Mary do tell me I could kill a man if I wanted to, and they'll let me go once I bat my lashes at them. I just feel it's the gods that are behind me, that is why I'm always escaping punishment one way or the other.

"I could deal with being chosen to prepare the ball but being chosen to wait on any of those arrogant people, I might as well hang myself" Mary said and I immediately shushed her eyes wide.

"Mind what you say in the palace Mary" I scolded her.

Of all people, she should know the repercussion of speaking ill about the higher up.

She grumbled before going back to work.
"Fayre" I heard the voice of the head chef call for me.

"Yes"' I answered making sure not to make eye contact.

He was above me since I am just a slave, so it's disrespectful to look him in the eye.

"Yes sir" I answered.

"It seems you're done with your chores" he said looking at my workstation.

"Yes sir" I answered.

"Okay take this to the dining hall of the royal family, they need refills for their drinks and hurry" he said handing me a basket filled with different goblets of wine before walking off.

I stared at him wide eyed, and he just gave me a guilty look before walking off quickly.

Why me?!

l have never in my life waited on someone and suddenly this.

I sighed before hurrying out of the kitchen and up the numerous stairs before I arrived in front of the dining hall, warm tears filled my eyes from exhaustion, l have not for once had any reason to go through the many stairs.

"State your rank and your business" A guard in front of the double doors said.

"A kitchen maid and I'm here to deliver wine" | said bowing, my back bent really low its starting to get painful. One of the guards snickered before they opened the large doors and I entered the hall, it is as massive as a ballroom.

Royals with their wife and mistresses are scattered in the ball drinking, laughing and discussing.

I almost screamed when I noticed different dragons watching my every move since I entered the room.
My hands were shaking, and I feel like I could collapse at any moment.
I don't even know who to deliver the wine to as I stood just looking around with wide eyes, no one even noticed l entered, maybe I can just drop the wine
and leave.

Suddenly I heard growl behind me, and I screamed bloody murder silencing the room immediately as all eyes are now on me.

Oh God, why me!

I felt tears in my eyes as I could feel a creature's hot breath down my neck, I don't even need to turn around to know one of the dragons is behind me.

I looked around and saw people looking at me with amusement and curiosity.

Suddenly my eyes met the head maid's, and she signaled me to come over to her, immediately I took a step ready to bolt I heard a snarl directly behind me and another scream tore from my lips, tears running freely down my face.

I'm going to die!

"Orion a voice called and the thing behind me snarled again.

"Brother control your dragon, I need a refill and I do not want blood all over my wine" another voice said, and I chocked now shivering in fear.

The creature suddenly flew over me and it was the flash of silver that I saw and a terrified scream that l heard before I felt dizzy from fear and submitted to darkness as I fell to the ground hitting my head on the paved floor as the sound of something falling and breaking followed me into oblivion.

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