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"Let me get this straight, for some reasons you are not scared of the King and his dragon and then he is always unexpectedly nice to you, he allowed you eat his lunch today and he is taking you with him for his travel" Mary said repeating everything I said to her.

"Hmm" I said affirming to what she said.

She stared at me with an unknown emotion making me quirk an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Well it's just so hard to believe, but if everything you're saying is true then there's only one answer to this" she said adjusting her sitting position while showing a serious face.

"And that is?"

"What if you're the King's mate" she said.

"Mate?" I asked confused.

"Hear me out, dragons reflect their owners emotions and you said the King's dragon was all cuddly with you even when the King was a jerk, meaning the King was just putting on an act and now he seems to always be watching and protecting you, mind you, you're human and the King hates humans" she pointed out.

"That can't be possible Mary, I don't love King Luca and I heard supernaturals are always obsessed with and are really protective of their mates, they wouldn't even allow them leave their sight, the King always act like my presence disturbs him" I said clearing her.

"Having a mate does not mean you immediately love them, there's just a bond that makes you guys feel at peace with each other, then with time it grows into love" she explained with a far away look making me confused.

"I am not his mate" I stated with a furrowed eyebrow before lying down on my bed and getting ready to sleep.

"Just be careful with him Fayre, it's the King we're talking about here" Mary said patting my back before moving to her side of the bed, and i hummed giving her a silent goodnight which she returned.


"Remember what I told you last night Fayre, be careful" Mary said as we prepared to go to our duty post.

"Yes I will be" I said smiling slightly at her and she left for the kitchen while I mentally prepared myself as I walked down the maid's quarters chamber and up the stairs to the royal hall.

I was halfway up the stairs when I was blocked by three high level maids, you can always recognize them by their gold dresses. I tried moving to allow them pass but it seems they were there for me.

"How may I help you?" I asked respectfully, I don't need to bow to them but I still needed to show respect.

"I heard you took my job yesterday" said the maid in the middle with a nasty look on her face. I guess she is the maid that do serve the King.

"Head maid asked me to serve his highness, I didn't mean to take on your work" I said simply, though I sound polite and remorseful but I'm anything but. I don't like the way she's looking at me.

"A scum like you shouldn't be serving the King" she said with disgust making me raise an eyebrow which she caught.

"You have something to say?" One of her minions snickered.

"Like the elders proverb goes, it takes a scum to know a scum, I would have loved to chitchat more with you high maids but I'll be late to my work station and so would you, we wouldn't want to be each other's bother now, would we?" I said with the sweetest voice I could muster before leaving them and continued my way up the stairs, not before seeing the shocked looks on their faces.

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