Part 22. ~You two can be so annoying~ ~Kyra Cooney Cross~

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You and Kyra had always been close so it helped that you both moved to Arsenal together at the same time after the world cup. All your teammates joked that you were like sisters but that's only because they don't know that you have been dating since you were both 16. You've just finished training and now are sitting with the rest of the arsenal girls in the chill room.

Leah: You two are actually calm for once, wow.
Kyra: Shush, she's asleep.
Caitlin: Ky can I talk to you quickly?
Kyra: Yeah one sec *moves You because you were laying on her, before walking out to Caitlin*
Caitlin: What's going on between you and Y/n/n.
Kyra: What do you mean?
Caitlin: Me and Stephy have noticed what you're like, if you are more than friends obviously it's fine but why are you hiding it?
Kyra: no what are you on about?
Caitlin: Ok if you say so kid.

Kyra's pov:
We walk back in and Y/n is back awake now, annoying Steph by acting like a child. I walk over and decide to join in because well, why not, what else am I supposed to do.

Y/n: Kyra would agree with me.
Steph: Yes but Kyra is a child just like you, I'm sorry Y/n but I don't trust you with Calvin on your own.
Y/n: Why nottt, I'm literally older than Kyra and she looked after him the other week.
Steph: Sorry kid, no can do.
Y/n: Vivvvv, Steph is being rude.
Viv: What's she doing?
Y/n: Saying I'm not responsible enough to look after Calvin while she's on camp.
Steph: Yeah one because I don't even know if I've got called up yet and also Dean will be at home anyway.
Y/n: Ugh fine, you're no fun, why I like Kyra more.
Steph: You're both so annoying at times, love you both though.
Kyra: Y/n want to go home?
Y/n: Yeah come on, bye oldies.

We both run out after Y/n says that, laughing our heads off.

Kyra: You're going to pay for that babe.
Y/n: I know but sometimes it's worth it.
Kyra: You're so cute.
Y/n: No that's you.
Kyra: Oh yeah when you were asleep, Cait took me out and asked if anything was going on between us.
Y/n: What did you say?
Kyra: I said nothing was because I didn't know what to say and I wanted to make sure we were both there when we both feel ready to tell people.
Y/n: Ky I actually love you so much.
Kyra: I was just doing what anyone would.
Y/n: No a lot of people would have just said whatever they wanted to.
Kyra: Well that's not right.
*Your phone starts to ring*
Tony: Hello is this Y/n Y/l/n?
Y/n: Yes speaking.
Tony: Hello it's Tony Gustavsson here, I was calling to say that I hope you accept a call up to the next matilda's camp.
Y/n: Oh my god, yes I would be honoured to.
Tony: Ok well I look forward to seeing you next week, will you be able to fly over next Monday with the other arsenal girls?
Y/n: Yes that should be all good.
Tony: Ok thank you, see you next week. *hangs up*
Kyra: Who was that? I want my cuddles. 
Y/n: I'm coming baby *cuddles Kyra* well that was a certain Tony.
Kyra: Are you going to be playing with the national team?
Y/n: I am!
Kyra: I am beyond proud of you babe.
Y/n: I love you so much. *Just then Kyra's phone starts to ring* Answer it then babe, it could be Tony.
Kyra: Ok *picks up the phone* hello, yes that's me, I would be honoured to thank you very much, yes I'll see you soon. *hangs up* I just got called up.
Y/n: I'm so proud of you.
Kyra: We're going together!
Y/n: You're so cute.

*Skip to Monday and they've just landed*
Steph: Right you two need to behave ok.
Y/n: What do you mean we always behave.
Kyra: Yeah we do, we're not children.
Caitlin: Yes you are and the last time we were in an airport with you both we lost you so Y/n you're staying with Steph and Kyra you're staying with me.
Y/n: You're not splitting us up.
Steph: It's only till we get to the taxi to take us to camp now come on trouble.

I look at Kyra and give her the look that we both know so well, we both know that it means we are going to try and annoy Steph and Caitlin as much as possible.

Y/n: Stephy
Steph: Yes Y/n/n
Y/n: I need the toilet.
Steph: Oh god you are just a child, right ok but you have to be quick or we are going to be late.

The trip through the airport was probably hell for Steph and Caitlin but me and Kyra had the time of our lives. I guess I could see why our teammates call us children a lot of the time. We've just got into the taxi and I'm sitting next to Kyra and I place my head on her shoulder as I'm tired.

Kyra: *whispers* They're going to ask questions.
Y/n: Let them, I want cuddles, it's only Steph and Cait.
Kyra: Ok babe.
Steph: Did you just call Y/n babe?
Caitlin: I knew something was happening, that's so cute.
Steph: our little babies all grown up.
Y/n: Steph shush.
Steph: Sorry, so how long have you two been a thing?
Kyra: Since we were 16.
Caitlin: So the whole time we've known you you've been together.
Y/n: Well yes because we're 22 now and we've only known you just under a year genius.
Kyra: Be nice Y/n.
Y/n: Sorry.
Steph: Wow Y/n/n just listened to someone, she must love you Ky.
Caitlin: Right come on, and please try your best not to be annoying. *laughs*
Kyra: Did mini get called up?
Steph: Yes her and Harps are already here.
Kyra: Come on babe, I need to introduce you to them.

A/n: This went in like so many different directions and didn't end up as my best so sorry.

Request from @donuts_4_life4875

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