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When you wake up, you nearly forget that you're in the camp.

Rays of sunshine are shining in your face, birds are chirping outside and you can hear the faint voices of people talking.

Exiting your small bedroom, you see Hange sitting on a chair, reading a book. "Good morning," you greet them, smiling slightly.

"Good morning Faith! Did you sleep well?"

"I did. You?"

"Slept like a baby!"

You sit next to them. "What's in for the program today?"

"We'll get split into groups to cook, then we'll set up a campfire and enjoy the rest of the evening!" Hm, doesn't sound too bad. Plus, you're half decent at cooking.

When Carla splits section three into six groups, you're praying that Hange's in yours.

Well, it seems like fate is against you today, because they're not. Instead, you're in a group full of people you don't know- except Levi.

Hange gives you an apologetic look but it's not like it's their fault, so you just respond with a small smile, saying it's okay before motioning yourself to stand next to Levi.

As if he can sense your anxiety, he says "They're not bad." So he must know them. Okay, that's good.


He was right, they're not bad. A girl named Petra is standing next to you, helping you wash potatoes. The two of you are the only girls in your group and you actually enjoy talking to her.

The cooking session goes by faster than you expected, and your group is the first to finish. The other five groups are still cooking.

Mike and Eld, (they also belong to your group), are setting up the campfire. It won't be lit until later, though.

All of the people in your group seem to know each other rather well. Your guess is that they've been here before, just like Levi. You're quiet as you listen to them talk, but you don't feel excluded. Levi's quiet as well- which makes it even less awkward for you.

"The campfire is all set!" Eld announces.

You're in the middle of a beautiful field- which also belongs to the camp- with a mesmerising atmosphere. Red roses are practically everywhere.

You can just imagine how fascinating it will look as soon as the sun starts to set and when the clear, blue sky turns into different shades of orange.

Then, you feel something bump your knee. Looking to your left, you see it's Levi.

"Wasn't that bad." he says and you agree with a smile tugging on your lips.

"Wasn't that bad."

"When do you think the others will join us?" You shift to see to whom the voice belongs to. It's Oluo who's talking.

"Probably in about thirty minutes or less," Petra answers.

The 'thirty minutes or less' turned into an hour and half.

At this point, the sun has already started to set and Mike has already lit the huge campfire. Your group has also set up three tables meanwhile waiting for the others to arrive.

There are all different kinds of foods; vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and so on.

Everyone is in a good mood, and even though there're a lot of people, you enjoy every second of this day.

Erwin and Hange have joined you and Levi at a table, and you're now engaged in a conversation with them.

You listen to Hange rant about the amazing food experiments they've done (you don't even want to know what kind of experiments they're talking about), and to Levi, who's complaining about how Eld kept dirtying the kitchen earlier.

Faith | levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now