The Vigilant Yaksha's Sacrifice

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"Is everyone ready?" Yelan announced,

Paimon pressed her tiny hands on her hips with a proud expression, "all set, Yelan"

"I am, but I don't know if I could keep up with everyone with Boss in my hands" Shinobu stated, she took a second gazing at Itto's head resting on her shoulder while holding his waist.

"There's no need to, Shinobu" Yanfei relied, "me, Yelan and the Traveler can protect everyone while you could stand by and keep an eye on Itto"

Everyone's chat continued except for Lumine who was mournfully peering at Xiao from the distance. She remembered the previous day, when he had proposed utilising all of his ability to transfer everyone back to the outside world while he stayed behind. Ever since, she could feel a crushing weight of desolation drawing her heart down with each breath. Lumine had always had a sneaking suspicion that it might happen, even though everyone might have accepted his remarks as if he had never uttered them. Still, the thought of Xiao giving his life always caused her to cry, even though she pretended to be fine.

That was the moment when Xiao turned his gaze at her and inquired  "What's wrong?"

Lumine nodded her head, "it's nothing"

Xiao walked his way to her while directing his glance at her,  "if there's something on you mind, you can tell me instead of keeping it to yourself"

Within one heave, she slipped the words out of her mouth calmly, "Xiao, can I ask you something?" Lumine continued, "do you think we could get out of here and return to the outside world?"

"Of course we can" he answered, "I believe with everyone's efforts we can return to the outside world and if we're on to our last chance I'l-"

Lumine immediately covered his mouth while her heart beginning to weight down an inch more, "Please don't" she cried, "I don't want you to say it, it might happen"

He felt his heart skip a beat upon hearing those words. The Vigilant Yaksha's stare, which causes everyone to tremble with horror as though they had just woken up from a nightmare, began to intensify with a brightness in his eyes that he had never seen before. He had felt this way before, ever since the day he had saved her from plummeting down the Jade Chamber during the battle with the Osial Overlord of the Vortex.

Xiao slowly raised his palm up and was about to touch her cheek when Paimon's crouchy voice interrupted them, "HEY!! You two done yet?" Paimon complained, her hands on her hips with her eyebrows squeezing at each other "we'll miss our chance if we don't hurry"

"Don't worry we're coming" Lumine replied,

They surrounded themselves in a circle with the Fantastic compass in the middle. Lumine stood next to Yelan, with Yanfei, Shinobu, and Itto on her other side. Xiao was positioned closer to Lumine, but Paimon was clearly between themAn iota of his being desired to stand besides her, his hand encircling hers while he glanced passionately into her eyes.

Without Lumine noticing, Xiao took a moment glancing at her  "I'm sorry Lumine, this might be our last chance seeing each other" he thought to himself.

From the minute she caught him looking at her, he instantly turned to the other way. It was normal for others to look away from her gaze and she would always brush it off like a joke and forget it never happened, but just then was different; making her feel her heart weighing down more.

Yelan took a step forward towards the Fantastic Compass and reached her hand "Stars align, bestore your light, evil purged with thunders might" At that moment, a glow of blue light appeared in her palms while she adjusted the connection of the arrow on the compass is pointing at,"spirit curbed, pneuma surged, by dictum divine, heed these words, do as I COMMAND"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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