Are you expecting love from me?

Start from the beginning

"Why do you think I don't deserve your love?" she responded with another question, avoiding a direct answer.

Yuvin couldn't shake off his surprise as he processed Agnes's unexpected revelation.

The notion that she harbored hopes of receiving love from him left him momentarily stunned.

After all, their relationship had begun on pragmatic terms, centered around the idea of building a family. The concept of love had never been explicitly discussed or even hinted at between them.

Yet, here she was, silently expressing her desire for something deeper. As he mulled over her revelation, a mix of emotions swirled within him—bewilderment, curiosity, and a faint glimmer of hope.

Despite his initial astonishment, Yuvin found himself contemplating the possibility of exploring a new dimension of their relationship, one filled with the warmth and tenderness of love.

Yuvin smiled and gently pinched her chin.

"Don't respond with a question to my question. Just tell me, are you expecting love from me?" he pressed, surprised when she nodded in affirmation.

"If you expect that from me, give me some time. I will give that to you," he assured her.

He knew she wasn't prepared to hear a refusal. Moreover, his heart wasn't ready to deny her request, so he simply asked for time.

She also got down from the bed and sat next to him, finding comfort in his embrace as he hugged her back.

Both remained silent for a few moments.

"Yuvin, there was a child. She was around 4 years old. She was playing at home with her pink doll. She was wearing a white collared top and a black skirt."

"He was a man... I can't remember. He was wearing... I can't remember," she struggled to recall.

Closing her eyes, she attempted to summon the man's features from her memory. Yuvin gently rubbed her hand in an effort to soothe her.

"Just tell me what you remember," Yuvin requested softly.

" That man made her stand in the table and bite her lips. Her lips bleeded.

The girl was crying. Suddenly he bite her neck, and tried to remove her dress.

And then.

I don't remember ", Agnes cried vigorously.

Yuvin embraced her tightly.

"Who is that girl?" he asked gently.

"I don't know. I think that girl is me. But my mom and dad used to say it's just my imagination and nothing like that ever happened to me," Agnes cried.

"I don't know if I'm hallucinating or if it really happened. But I can't seem to shake off this dream," she lamented, tears streaming down her face.

"Come here," he said, gesturing to his lap.

She positioned herself with her legs on either side, facing him as she sat in his lap.

They embraced each other tightly.

"Do you want to forget it?" he asked softly.

"I want to know whether it is my dream or if I have suffered. I want to know the truth so I can move past this pain," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

He gently stroked her hair, his shirt stained with her mascara and tears.

"Agnes, I will find out whether you are hallucinating or if you have suffered. Give your husband a chance. I will help you," he assured her with unwavering resolve.

"What will you do if that is true?" she asked, her worry palpable.

"I will help my wife overcome this pain," he assured her.

"Will you leave me?" she voiced her fear, resting her face on his shoulder. He gently lifted her chin to meet his gaze.

"Why do you care?" he inquired gently.

She fell silent.

"I want you," Agnes blurted out the truth.

"I want you for the rest of my life," she confessed.

Yuvin was taken aback by her words, surprised by the depth of her feelings.

Yuvin's heart swelled with happiness as Agnes confessed her desire to be with him for the rest of their lives.

In that moment, amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, her words filled him with a sense of joy and reassurance.

The realization that she wanted to share her life with him, despite the challenges they faced, brought a warmth to his soul that he couldn't quite describe.

It was a confirmation of the bond they shared, a promise of a future together filled with love and companionship.

As he looked into her eyes, he knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their commitment to each other.

" Thank you ", he thanked her. He was happy to know that she is ready to live with him till the end.

They embraced each other tightly.

After some time, Yuvin fresh up and lay down on the bed. Agnes settled herself on the edge, watching him quietly.

"Let's rest for an hour," he suggested.

She agreed and nestled into his embrace. Yuvin set an alarm for an hour and he closed his eyes. Agnes gazed at him intently.

Yuvin pulled her closer and covered them both with the bedsheet. His bare chest pressed against her body, providing comfort like a giant teddy bear.

"Now, sleep," he advised gently.

She nodded in agreement, feeling safe and content in his arms.

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