What is your expectations from this relationship?

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Outskirts of the busy city,

Around 4 pm in the evening

The breezy climate brings a refreshing sense of rejuvenation, as gentle winds dance through the air, carrying with them the scent of freshly bloomed flowers and the rustle of swaying leaves.

A man was seen standing outside the car looking at the huge trees.

The cool breeze offers relief from the heat of the day, inviting him to step outside his boring life and bask in the natural serenity.

The breezy climate offers a soothing escape, rejuvenating both body and soul.

"Your table is ready, sir," a gentleman informs him.

He nods and walk towards the restaurant.

" Sir, lift is available", the man informs.

" That's okay ", with the word he climbs the stairs.

A man dressed in formal attire stands patiently before the door of the restaurant, his demeanor poised as he waits for a woman to join him.

With a neatly pressed suit and polished shoes, he exudes an air of sophistication and anticipation.

" Welcome ", the manager greets his regular client Mr. Yuvin Malhotra.

Yuvin nods his head and walks towards his private table closed with curtains on 4 sides.

" A lady will be here to meet me. Bring her once she comes ", Yuvin instructs the manager.

The managers nods his head and leave the place

He starts reading the novel " Life is peaceful".
His gaze periodically drifts towards the entrance, anticipating her arrival.

As he waits, his thoughts wander, imagining the conversation and moments he shared with a woman in the same place years ago.

Despite the passing time, he remains composed.

He was waiting for Agnes Chauhan.

A happy girl that radiates joy with every step she takes, her infectious laughter echoing through the air like musical notes.

Her eyes never miss to sparkle with excitement, reflecting the inner light that dances within her soul.

With a playful skip in her step and a bright smile adorning her face, she embraces each moment with boundless enthusiasm.

Her warmth and positivity illuminate the world around her, lifting the spirits of those fortunate enough to bask in her presence.

Overflowing with happiness, she exudes a vibrant energy that is simply irresistible.

Finally, she arrives along with her best friend " Anish ".

" Why did he choose this place for our meet up? It took nearly two hours to get here. Goodness gracious, his choice of location is really getting under my skin ", Agnes complains.

Anish wore a faint smile as he spoke, "Go and meet him. I'll join you in a few minutes," he informed her.

Agnes nodded in acknowledgment and turned to leave.

"Come soon," she reminded him before hurrying away.

Anish took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves.

As Agnes approached the restaurant, the security guard intercepted her.

"Have you booked a table?" he questioned.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Yuvin Malhotra," Agnes responded politely.

The guard paused briefly before making a call.

Shortly after, the manager arrived at the door. "Mr. Malhotra has been waiting for an hour to meet you, ma'am. Please come quickly," he advised.

Agnes nodded, and they both made their way to the second floor.

Yuvin, who had an eye on the book finally took time to look at the watch.

As he peered through the small hole in the curtain, his heart raced with anticipation.

In that fleeting moment, he caught sight of her, bathed in soft light, her silhouette casting a spellbinding aura.

Her graceful movements and delicate features captivated him, stirring emotions he had never known before.

Time seemed to stand still as he drank in the sight of her, his breath catching in his throat at the sheer beauty before him.

In that instant, he realized that she was more enchanting than he saw in the photo.

The situation brought him back to his senses and took his eye from her.

" Sir is waiting here ", the manager shows the closed curtain.

Agnes took a deep breath as a wave of shyness washed over her.

Adjusting her dress nervously, she gathered her courage and parted the curtain.

There he stood, the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life.

"Hello," Yuvin rose from his seat and greeted her politely.

Returning his greeting with a radiant smile, Agnes extended her hand for a handshake.

As they shook hands and took their seats, a palpable silence filled the air.

Breaking the quietude, Yuvin spoke up, "Dadi mentioned that you wanted to meet me. Why?"

Agnes, despite her racing heart and trembling fingers, replied firmly, "I wanted to meet you before marriage, to get to know you better."

Her determination to appear bold shone through, even in the midst of her nerves.

Yuvin simply nodded in acknowledgment.

There was no smile in his face, still he looked good for her.

"Would you like anything to drink?" he inquires.

She nods in agreement, prompting him to press the bell under the desk.

An elderly man appears, bowing respectfully as he asks, "What would you like to have, Mr. Malhotra?"

" Cold coffee," he replies.

As the man begins to leave, Agnes interjects, "I'd like a regular Indian tea with a hint of extra sugar and ginger aroma, please."

Yuvin looks at her with surprise, unused to someone ordering contrary to his preference, even in a business setting where his menu is typically followed without question.

However, Agnes is not one to conform to norms.

The man nods and departs.

"Is there anything specific you'd like to ask?" Yuvin queries.

"What are your expectations from this relationship, Yuvin?" she responds, addressing him by name.

He falls silent for a few moments, causing her concern.

Gazing away, he remains quiet as she rises from her seat and suggests " let me open the balcony curtain for a warmer atmosphere ".

As she removes the curtain, Yuvin stays silent.

He didn't like her behaviour but still he was quiet.

The old man returns with the menu and serves them.

"Thank you, granny. The aroma of the tea is delightful," Agnes expresses her gratitude, surprising the elderly man with her demeanor.

"Have a good day," the old man wishes her before leaving.

"You haven't answered yet," Agnes reminds Yuvin.

"Child," he finally responds.

As Agnes takes a sip of her tea, she winces as the hot liquid scalds her lips.

She looks at Yuvin in disbelief, but he calmly sips his cold coffee without a word.

Mr. Malhotra is my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now