Chapter 7

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Izuku is already 18 years old and has grown up more handsome and stronger than can go toe-to-toe with Both Vegeta and Goku, and while training with whis Izuku met with a another saiyan name Broly who was on break on training with them for a while the 2 get along well that same goes to his companions Cheelai and and Lemo. Izuku was confuse at first why is broly acting like he doesn't know anything which he question them as they told him Broly story it took a while but understood all in all. After broly story telling all of them continued their training and when they were done Izuku decided to Teach Broly of the basic human Values and everything he needs in basic knowledge.

The training went well as he finally unlick Super Saiyan Blue and how to master it with the help of Goku and Vegeta of course that same goes to his SSJ 4. After training with them for so long they decided to go back to Earth and celebrate on Izuku's achievement all of the were so happy for him............... but all happiness must come to an end

Whis: Izuku I'm afraid that its time

Izuku: Time for what whis?

Whis: Have you forgotten its time for you to go back

Everyoe was silent for the moment still registering on what Whis just said

Everyone: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Gohan: What do you mean return back to his home

Whis: I was afraid of this might happen, as you all know his purpose here is already done by training and spending his time as  a family making him learn new things but it is time for him to return to his world

Goten: But we don't want him to leave

Whis: I'm sorry but this is something that must be done even for me I wish for him to stay but all this are from orders

Bulma: By who?

Beerus: By the Omni king and Grand priest themself

Beerus said as he came out of nowhere

Goku: What do you mean Zenie said so

Beerus: Don't Call him that!! (cough) as I said The omni king said that it is time for him to return to his world and he had a vision of you

Krillin: Vision: What is it all about?

Beerus: I can't tell you all the details but i will say this, Br- no Izuku you will be facing not 1 but thousands or more people in your world and your enemies are not human

Gohan: If that's going to happen then were going to help him

Chi-chi: He's right were his family

Whis:I'm afraid we cannot allow that, this something that Izuku must be handle 

Trunks: You can't be serious if he's facing that many why is he the only one to fight them

Whis: I'm afraid we can't tell you that

Videl: Why can't you

Picollo: becuse we might change something don't we

Everyone was a silent for a moment when whis

Whis: Ohohoh you namekians are very observant that is true The Grand king has foresee that Izuku will be the only one to beat the people who will be raiding his world

Beerus: Hey you don't have to tell them that?!

Whis: I'm sorry my lord but they need to know so they won't interfere of what's gonna happened, (cough) as you all know Izuku needs to return back to his world not only to fulfill his dream on becoming a hero but also he needs to protect his world from an invasion of unknown species 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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