"I do!" Russia gives a toothy... or rather, fangy grin in appreciation. Mongolia hums and pets his head. Qing observes the scene unfolding, "So... this little guy's name is Russia, huh?" Eyes locked on the small child, Russia swallows the chewed food in anticipation; this man was making him uncomfortable. "Yes... I believe you two have already met. You know? Back at the market in Beijing?" 

"Ah! Now I remember. I don't think we finished our introduction. My name is Qing, although, I'm certain your caretaker here has told you a lot about me~"

"Not really," Russia impassively answers leaving Qing blinking owlishly. "Seriously? He hasn't told you anything about me? Not even a little?" Qing was expecting some sort of dirt, yet he was given nothing. "Not that I recall. All I know is that you're Qing and Mongolia's adoptive brother..."

Japan and Korea's ears perked. Adoptive brother? That does explain how these two came to the terms of already being familiar with one another. The issue is... How come Mongolia didn't share this intel with them?

"I see... well, no point talking during lunch. Carry on..." Mongolia was still cautious of Qing's action. It's strange seeing him act this tranquil... 


Half an hour later, the guests were finished eating. The servants came in to dispose of the empty plates and cups. "That was a fine meal. Thanks for the food, but I think we should be heading out before it gets dark." Mongolia stood up ready to exit, Russia was sad this fancy tour had to end short, yet he won't argue. 

"Haha, you're not going anywhere..." Qing's face darkens, and Mongolia's body heats up with anxiousness, has the time for his true nature arrived? Within a blink, Qing's deadly face switches to a happy one, "It's already late! I can't have you all wandering around the kingdom when it's dark."

"Save your concerns, we can handle it."

Ignoring Mongolia's words, Qing continues to add, "Please, stay here for the day. It would ease my heart knowing you four can go safe and sound..." Ha, Qing, caring? That's a long stretch, even Mongolia could tell he was faking it. "You're not gonna let us leave, are you?" Mongolia deadpanned, he knew if Qing wanted something he would make sure in his hands he gets it. "Nope~" Figures...

"Fine, we'll stay..." Reluctantly giving in to Qing's persistent behavior. He clasps his hands together in joy, "Great! Then allow me to show you your separate rooms. Follow me~" Gesturing with his palms, he takes the lead through the hallway outside of the gigantic dining room. Korea and Japan were confused as hell, logically, they don't exactly have guidance now. They're just following Mongolia's decision, and he seems to be defeated by the presence of the Emporer.

"Adoptive brother?" Korea whispered forgetting the elephant in the room. Mongolia groans and facepalm, "Come on!" He pursued after the yellow country. Korea and Japan understanding Mongolia weren't fond of talking about his "Relatives" topic, they put a raincheck on the idea. "I'm sure seeing your old home must be giving you lots of old memories. Hm?" 

"You mean nightmares?" Mongolia corrects his mistake. Qing chuckles and intertwines elbows with him, Mongolia gasps and grits his teeth to suppress his snap. "Hahaha, you're such a jokester~" 

Opening a specific door, he shows Korea and Japan their room, "This room has two beds and has enough space for 3. Would it suffice?" Qing was tall like what? He was about a head taller than Korea, practically bowing down to meet their heights. "I guess..." the Korean scratches the back of his head. Japan softly hums and nods along.

"Great. Then you two rest now, Russia and 蒙古. I'll show you your beds," he waltzed ahead, Mongolia and Russia stayed behind to exchange small talks. "Be vigilant you two. Ensure your doors are locked and keep one eye open when you sleep! I have a terrible feeling that someone might slit our throats open during our vulnerable moments..." 

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