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"Remember me?"

They both stared at each other for some time, then Nam-gi opened his hand fan and said, "Oh, it's you. You're still like a wild foal that doesn't know its place."

"Thanks for the compliment, you walking corpse." He said, smiling, but the smile doesn't last long. "But... why did you come here when you knew that?" he said in a cold tone, sanding chills down to Nam-gi's attendants full body.

"Your student is too old to be disciplined." Suga said the tone was normal. Seeing that, Nam-gi's attendant thought. ' How can he be so rude to the head of a sage hall? He's not more than a mere attendant. And that sword. If my eye doesn't deceive me, it has traces of the seven divine powers. No way, could it be...

that there's someone in this palace who isn't a prince but can wield spiritual power?' He came out of his thoughts when he heard Suga's voice.

"Answer me." When he saw that, Nam-gi was just standing still, saying nothing. He decided to speak in his shaky voice.

"H-How impudent! How dare you speak to the prince's mentor in that way?! D-Did no one teach you manners? C-Come down this instant and show him respect." He spoke. Nam-gi noticed the sword that was stuck in the ground quivered; he grabbed his attendant's hair and pulled him.

"Huh?" He was confused as to why his hair was being pulled, but he saw the sword going back in Suga's hand as if flying back.

"I-I-I S-said--" He was a trembling mess.

"Listen. I'm not gonna miss a third time if you keep blabbing on like that." Suga said, irritated by his nonsense.

Nam-gi released his grip on his hair and looked at Suga again. "You've gotten too big for your britches. Your prince may trust you... but that won't protect you forever."

"What?" Suga jumped down from the tree and continued. "Look here, old fart. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Not to mention my ability to get rid of people discreetly. So..." He said this, shaking his head and walking toward Mam-gi.

"Leave Taehyung alone. If you want to remain in the world of living, He said it near his ear and walked away.

"Sir, t-that man..."

"That's nothing new. He's always been this cocky."


"Just wait till I get my hand on you!!" A man said,.

There were many men in a big hole that was on the ground.

"How dare you do this to us, you little brat!"

"Get us out of here, now!

"Nah, I don't wanna." A boy, not more than 15 years old, was sitting above the ground, looking at the people down on the hole.

"I told you I don't wanna go to the palace or become a prince or whatever. So why do you keep coming after me?" The boy was none other than Suga.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go now. Have fun living here, you fool." He said, standing up and then leave.

"Hey!! wait!!"

"Don't you dare run away!!"

"Get back here!!"

"You better get us out of here!!"



"Indeed, he's been cocky since he was a child, yet talented enough for me to want him as a student." Nam-gi said, remembering the past.

With Suga.

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