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Three days before the end. At Taehyung Mentor Place.

"I see. Back already, is he?" Taehyung's mentor, Nam-gi, asked his attendant.

"That's right, sir. The gatekeeper saw the first prince enter the place, and court ladies were talking about how he had submitted his result."

If that's true, that's utterly baffling. He should have found himself a difficult task and used every minute he had, yet he's back three days early." Nam-gi said and stood up from the chair.

"W-Where are you going, sir?"

"Where do you think? To see what he has to say for himself. Follow me; I must speak with him."



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.



 Two court ladies were going toward the first prince palace; one lady was holding a box, and the other was just going so that one did not get bored.

"Hey, aren't you glad the trials have started? Now we get to visit the princes' palace on errands!"

"Right? Hehe, I went to Prince Haru's palace the other day. There were flowers in full bloom everywhere. It was so beautiful, and Prince Haru was more lovely than any flower."

"His palace truly is beautiful. hehe."

"But this palace is... a little dreary in comparison." They both spoke together, looking at the first prince's palace.

"That's the reflection of its awful owner." They both heard it and looked around but didn't find anyone.


"Over here." They hear it again and look at the direction of the voice. They see Suga sitting on a tree, relaxing.

"Here I am." He grinned and jumped down from the tree with a 'hup' sound.

"Ekk!" Both ladies got startled as he jumped suddenly.

"Oh, are those snakes I see?" Suga asked, pointing at the box.

"Oh! I'm supposed to deliver this to Prince Taehyung!"

"Don't worry. It'll all end up in my belly anyway. Now, what were we talking about?" Suga said, picking a piece from the box.

"Oh, that's right. You said this palace is dreary." He picked up another piece and continued.

"The environment within the prince's palace reflects the personality or emotions of its owner. You know that prince can change the weather, right?" He asked, to which the ladies nodded.

"That is indeed true, but the spiritual powers around a prince are also influenced by their emotions." He said, taking another piece.

"Flowers will bloom when they're happy, while rain will fall when they're sad. So if a prince with strong spiritual powers experiences sudden sadness or anger... the weather around them will also change, potentially triggering a natural disaster. That's why those who most closely resemble the gods are chosen to be the emperor. The gods detached themselves from human emotion long ago, so they aren't influenced by their feelings. In other words, you have to be a jerk with no humanity to become emperor." Suga said.

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