dating nate would be like: pt.2

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- respect. nate is the most respectful man ever.

- arguments. he hates to argue with you. you guys sometimes will argue over the stupidest stuff ever and it makes him really upset. he is always the one to apologize first because you're too stubborn.

- sharing clothes. about 99% of your closet is full of clothes that belong to nate. hoodies, shirts, socks, even pairs of his boxers.

- pet names. nate isn't really a fan of pet names. however, the occasional babe or baby is acceptable. and of course he loves to say different variations of your name.

- camera roll. nate's camera roll is filled with pictures of. some that he takes of you, and others that you take whenever he leaves his phone somewhere. he also likes to screenshot pictures you post on your insta because he thinks you are so pretty.

- compliments. always hyping you up. nate is your #1 hype man. always saying how pretty you are and things like, "good job!" "ayyy nice!" "i'm so proud of you!" "amazing!"

- laying on you. it doesn't matter where, and he won't show it, but nate loves laying his head on your chest, in between your legs, your shoulder, or even just putting his chin on the top of your head.

- introducing you. he is always showing you off. when you first went to a family party at nate's, he was dragging you around and showing you off to his family as his girl.

- protecting. nate will always protect you. when you guy are walking down town, you are either walking an inch apart right in front of nate, or he's holding your hand so close to him. if you guys are meeting someone for the first time and they are giving off sketchy vibes, he's holding you real close.

- friends. you guys have most of the same friends. and nate loves to see you interacting with his friends. his favorite people talking to each other just warms his heart.

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