"Ice is spreading on the floor Elianne" Thora says, grabbing her hand. She looks cautious, waiting for her to make a move “are you okay?”

Elianne looks around, at the floor, at the lake of ice building below them,it's creeping up to their feet , encasing them.

“Oh… I'm fine Thora,” she says looking at her cousin, teal and bronze meeting her gaze.''it’s… w-what did you say about your nightmare, an old lady chasing you?”

“Oh yes!” the other responds, and she welcomes a  distraction while Elianne makes pancakes in the kitchen “she even knew my name! Do you think I'm being stalked? Oh! And she had so many wrinkles it made me Self conscious, do you know how hard it is to make me doubt myself?”

“How would you even be stalked in your dream, didn't you do a spell for that- do you want three?”  She's flipping her third pancake while asking, they normally make more when Andromeda is around, but he's gone.

“I want four, it's 10 am” she points at her,looking at her phone. Thora normally has  breakfast at 7, so this is brunch for her in a way. “Do you think she'll be back soon? It's been a while since I last saw Andro, and this nightmare is no good omen for the rest of my week!”

She licks her lips, thinking of her words. The moment she sits at the table to eat, she shares her thoughts.

“ Do you think this is… like, manifestation of a god ?

“A god? What are you-” Thora stays quiet after ,very quiet.”you don't mean- Elianne, that's too soon! I mean you're what,17? There's no way that I'm being picked this soon.” Though Thora says this calmly,she knows it's the opposite.elianne feels guilty of  bringing the topic up.

“Just because you've been chosen doesn't mean you have to leave and do your duty”,she reassures her, taking her hand” I'm 18, you're 14, and Silas loves you. There's no way they'll let you go right now. And even if you do, you can always decline and wait.You'll be fine, Thora.”

“But what if it's not, what if I have to leave,what if I'm forced to?”

Elianne stays quiet, and eats.

After a while,Thora continues to eat in silence,too.

“ What are your favorite flowers?”

“Why? I'm not dying soon.”

This question is one that pops up mainly when the person it's being asked to is on their deathbed,as death has to be treated  with very intensive care.

“Oh, Andromeda asked me to ask you, I don't know why” she says,not a muscle in her face showing otherwise. Thora is bad at acting, so this only makes her question what the hell is Andromeda planning,she doesn't answer the question,exchanging the question with a different answer: blue, he favorite color.

Time goes fast when you're with someone familiar, and so the time goes when she needs to check out and go to work.


It was a struggle when she first got in. ‘Avians have an advantage’ people say, never minding what would happen to an avian that can't fly, wings or not.

It took her a while to get a handle on her wings,but she got the hang of it. Getting her flying license was a wild ride, oddly enough, who keeps doing these laws anyway?!

“That license idea was my fault really”,Andromeda told her one time”it was my first time flying, okay?! I didn't know there was a need for practicing it , avians made it look so easy and….I broke a lot of windows”

Fuck Andromeda, who the hell decides to be this dumb and go full flight while intoxicated knowing they have never tried something before? She ponders if they have reached the place they are in by pure luck, there's no way they-

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