"He hasn't," she replied quickly. "As I said, he was simply assisting me. But you are right, we should not have been out here without a chaperone."

"Rest assured it won't happen again."

Then his attention darted to his wife, and it was as if the Anthony she had known since childhood was instantly changed. In his place was a soft and tender man, eyes flooded with love as his gaze swept over the Viscountess. They were simply standing there yet Penelope felt like she was intruding on a private moment between the couple, the affection between them so potent. And seeing them so much in love filled her heart with joy, but there was also an aching sadness that pricked at her. Because she knew Colin would never look at her that way or love her as fiercely as his brother did Kate.

"Are you alright?" Kate asked.

Realizing her face must have given her away, Penelope quickly composed herself. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, Viscountess."

"I shall see you inside," Anthony said softly before taking his leave.

"I'm fine, truly. I just need a few minutes of fresh air and I will go back in," Pen said in a rush, feeling nervous around the other woman.

"I require some fresh air myself. I hope you don't mind if I keep you company?" Kate smiled.

"Of course not, Lady Kate. It would be a pleasure."

"Kate. Please. And I hope you don't mind if I call you Penelope?"

"I would like that."

"Perhaps I can fashion something out of my shawl for you," Kate said, removing the fabric around her shoulders and draping it over Penelope's. After a few seconds of trifling with the material, she stepped back to examine her handiwork. "Yes, that looks quite pretty. Don't you think?"

Penelope glanced down at herself. Not only did the fabric hide her torn sleeve, but also the marks on her breasts. Bite marks left by Colin when he'd laved her skin with his tongue and teeth, same marks that must have been visible to Anthony earlier. Shame flooded over Penelope, she wanted to die.

"Shall we take a stroll around the maze before we go inside?" Kate suggested.

Penelope nodded, too embarrassed to speak.

Looping her arm through Penelope's, Kate started walking alongside her. "I admit I don't know Colin very well. He started his travels soon after the wedding and we didn't have much time to get to know one another. However, I've always found him to be witty and good-natured."

Penelope remained silent.

"Which is why the last few days have been such a surprise. He has been unusually agitated and others have noticed as well."

"Have they?" Penelope muttered. "He's probably having difficulties settling back into his old life after his recent adventures."

"Yes, Benedict thought so too."

"They are quite close as brothers."

"True, but I suspect it has more to do with matters of the heart." Kate paused in her tracks. "Perhaps you're the reason?"

Penelope shook her head. "I don't think so."

"He seemed quite upset just now."

"Not because of me, I'm sure. I'm incapable of eliciting strong emotions in Colin."

Kate gave her a curious glance. "Why do you say so?"

Penelope shrugged her shoulders. "Because Colin and I are friends. That's all."

Never You (Penelope/Colin)Where stories live. Discover now