December 15th , 2015

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    I am so mad at my mom , she took my phone away because I ordered a phone case she didn't approve of  "it had a dog on it and she hates dogs " .  She said I should have told her that I was going to buy it. I am not a child anymore, so why should I have to listen to her. I don't even live with her anymore . She just takes stuff when she comes over and doesn't give it back . I have even told her that she is banned from coming over , but she copied my key when she bought it . The other night she called me because "I spent more than my daily limit " my daily limit is $30 . I have decided to change my locks and block her on my phone . My mom is very much a narcissist, she makes me give her $100 a week  , because she bought my house ... as a present !
To get away from my mom and just life in general  I went over to the roof of my sister's apartment to think . While I was there I got a call from my dad . My mom had died . I didn't know if I wanted to be sad or not . That's when I realized there was no way she had just died because she was wide awake and healthy five minutes before I got the call , so unless dad killed her then that's impossible. I opened my notebook and wrote down everything that came to mind then went to the police for answers .
when I arrived they immediately told me that my mother had passed not thinking dad had told me . I told them I knew she died but nobody told me how and I wanted some answers . They said okay and sent me to the lead officer working on the case . I asked how she died and he said ,"we aren't 100 percent sure . Your dad is getting a surgery done to check how long she had been dead. " I then told them that it couldn't have been longer than 4-5 minutes because had just called her not even 6 minutes before . The officer said ," that's impossible we found her body freezing cold ... she must've been there for hrs ." This terrified me because I realized if that were true that would mean my mom's last words were most likely her apologizing to me after a fight . My eyes started  to water at the thought of this . I explained the situation to the officer who then said ," how close were you with your mom ," I told him that we fought a lot and didn't really get along . It was mostly me because I would blame her for my own mistakes and my actions. The officer sent me home to rest , and that is what I did .

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