Successful Studies

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"It burns. Like someone's set my whole arm on fire...pity I can't get rid of it," Snape looked down at his arm but something about his tone told Lucy that he hadn't been able to cover all of the truth. Something about the way he said it made it evident that somewhere underneath there was a secret hiding and that secret being how he didn't really regret his dark mark. Or was she doubting him too much?

"Why did you come here?" 

"Because I forgot about telling you I was a death eater but it's now evident that I did tell you. I only try to protect you. As for first year I was a fool for telling you that, I was careless back then and I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't even know I wanted to be a parent then." 

"I thought we agreed we weren't keeping secrets from each other?"

"Yes of course," Snape muttered before Lucy spoke again.

"Come on, lets go back," Lucy said as she stepped forward. She took hold of his arm and Snape flinched. "Sorry..." Lucy then proceeded to take his other arm and then they walked back to Snape's quarters together. 

It was only the next day that it dawned on Lucy why on Earth Snape's dark mark would be burning at this time. Sure, Lord Voldemort was getting stronger but why now? They'd only just returned to Hogwarts and Voldemort wouldn't think of some evil plan yet. Why would Snape's dark mark burn unless something important was going on? 

"Dad," Lucy sat down next to Snape the next morning before going down to the great hall. Snape's eyes were boring into the prophet (as usual) and he grunted in response to being called. "I want to ask you something." 

"What is it?" He mumbled as though it was an automatic response rather than listening to what Lucy had to say to him. 

"I want to ask you about — " Lucy paused, Snape wasn't listening in the slightest. She grabbed hold of the prophet and threw it across the room. 

"Lucy!" Snape barked. 

"That's what happens when you don't listen to me. Now are you going to listen or am I going to have to paralyse you with a spell to force you to listen?" She pulled out her wand at the ready. 

Snape stared longingly at the prophet before answering. "Alright, what is it you wish to ask me?" 

"I want to ask you about last night and that dark mark of yours. Why was it hurting now? Why would Lord Voldemort want your dark mark to burn now? Does he need your help? Are you still in contact with him?" 

"First of all, slow down with your questions. One at a time please." 

Lucy sighed and asked the question that she thought was the most important. "Does Lord Voldemort need your help?" 

Snape ignored Lucy's use of the Dark Lord's name. After fighting Lord Zuc, Voldemort wasn't really as scary anymore. Snape didn't speak for a moment as he processed Lucy's question, what was he going to tell her? He'd done an unbreakable vow with Narcissa if he failed he'd die...but what would Lucy have to say about his drunken mistake? 

"I..." Snape began. 

"Yes?" Lucy encouraged, staring at him intently. 

"Lucy I think that — " Snape stopped himself, almost choking back his words as though his brain had wanted him to stay them but he didn't want to obey. 

"Dad?" Lucy held his hand. "What is it?" 

He put an arm around her and smiled. "Nothing to worry about. The Dark Lord doesn't need my help in the slightest." 

"Are you sure?" Lucy whispered and leaned into him, giving him a hug. "Are you really sure about this?" 

"Lucy, stop worrying. I'd tell you if something was wrong, wouldn't I? No secrets between us, remember?"

Lucy Snape and the Half-Blood Princess (Book Six)Where stories live. Discover now