Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 10

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Birthday Spanking Engagement Part 10

Your not forcing me to take anything, I feel its safer for my hands of they are forced to stay out of the way. I am fully aware that is going to be the worst spanking of my life. I just feel it will more respectful towards you too. I don’t want to do this half way, I want to go all way. I'm with you too, this is a far as I will go also. I love you so much, I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t explicitly trust you either. Your my fiancé and this is outward expression of how much I trust you and the measure of my resolve to let you do this all the way and not halfheartedly. She said with all seriousness.

Very well, we'll keep you from interfering let me get the rope from my truck. He said.

He went to his truck and returned to her. He was raveling the rope.

You know, I was a boy scout and I learned all kind of knots. When I was younger my brother and I use to play a game with rope. We would take turns tying each others hands together in such a way not cut off the blood supply and see if we can get out of it. So its ironic that you want me to tie your hand together. But its scary too. Mark commented.

Scary in what way? She queried.

You won’t have any escape except to roll over. Before I do this, I guess I need to say a few things out load for my benefit, even though you may know what your getting yourself into. You want me to tie your hands so you can lay down for me to beat your bare ass with my belt as hard and as long as it takes to reduce you to absolutely sobbing mess, so you can have a emotional cathartic release so you be completely vulnerable to me? And your not the least scared of this? Mark asked.

Of course I'm scared because I'm allowing you to spank me well past my pain threshold and beyond. I have never let anyone do that to me. And yes, I want my hands tied together so that you don’t accidentally hit them. I don’t trust myself not to reach back so I want that option to be removed. I told you earlier, I really do want to go all the way this morning. She reasoned with resolve.

Ok, lets go over to the bails of hay. He orderd.

They both walk over to bails and she held out her hands.

Not so fast, this is basically going to be an old fashioned barn yard belt whupin. I want your jeans down, all the way down to your boots for this one. I won't be holding back this time they are all going to full force, and I mean real zingers. He commented.

She swallowed hard.

Yes sir.

She was now slowly undoing her buckle and got it undone. She pulled the belt free.

Just my jeans? She asked.

Yeah, just your jeans but all the down to your boots. He ordered.

She unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pushed her zipper down. She hooked her trembling thumbs on the inside of jeans. Slowly she pushed them all the down to her cowboy boots. She stood up and looked at him. He walked over to her and embraced her. She put her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

You have a lot courage my love. I just want to make sure you know I'm in complete control of myself. I've never done this to anyone else before. I love you, and I just want to do what you think you need, but I don’t want to hurt you or let you down. I'm just being honest, although I'm going to go through with this, I'm also concerned, I was raised not to hit women. He said looking for final confirmation.

She pushed back enough to put both hands on his face. She gave him a long passionate kiss. Still holding his head and looking directly into his eyes. With softest and sweetest facial expression she said.

Your not abusing me, nothing is being done without my full consent. I'm asking for it, because this is what I need from you as my fiancé. I give you complete discretionary authority to take your belt and beat my ass black and blue if you need too, bith now and as long as we are together, to put me in my place now and than. You will only let me down if you don’t go all the way through. This is my way of being completely venerable, submissive and respectful towards you. I love you more than you will ever know. I love you so much, that I fully expect to get what I'm going to get today and if I violate any of those four D's in our relationship and disciple agreement. There is a big difference between hitting me and spanking me. I know you will never strike me,  but I give you my complete permission discipline me and that the difference. If you don’t go through with it now, what I'm really afraid of is that part of me that’s my mom, will run amok over you, and I have to be able to respect your authority and not push you away. I respect you and I want to always respect and obey you as my man. From my perspective this ring gives you that authority to beat my butt as you see fit. She said.

A tear came from his eye as he was nodding to what she said. She put her arms around his and hugged him tightly.

Oh, honey, you don’t have to be afraid. By doing this, your actually helping me help us. I know its going hurt like nothing I ever felt before, but only you will have my allegiance and my behind, I love you ever so much. She said.

She gently pushed him back and wiped the tear from his eye. He exhaled deeply.

So are we good now. She queried.

He was nodding his head.

Yes mam, we are good. I get it now, you want real domestic discipline and you accept it as discipline not abuse. He commented.

Yes sir, that’s exactly right.

He gently took her hands and brought them down and led her over to the bails. She shuffled over best she could until they reached the very edge.

Ok, I'm going hold out the rope and your going to put your wrists on it and I'll tie it and do the same with the other.

What about my panties? She asked

Well, if its OK with you, after I tie your hands together, I'll help you get in position. When I'm ready to blister your behind, I'll pull them down for you. He said.

If that’s the way you want to do it, yes sir.

He held out the rope and she slowly placed both wrist on the rope. He wrapped each wrist separately before wrapping them both in a figure 8 and than wrapped several times around the center and made a fancy knot.

Now is it comfortable and can you get free?

She twisted and pulled and she knew right away wasn’t getting out of it. It wasn’t cutting off circulation either. She let out deep breath because now theory was becoming reality.  She felt a surge of trepidation and adrenaline at the same time. He removed a few bails including the top bail so that the highest point was just over knee high and covered it again with the comforter. Placed a pillow on the top one.

Ok, I want you to carefully get up lay your self over the top bail. I'll help you but I want you to stand up on your knees on the first level of bails. That way when you lay yourself over your behind will be over the pillow and you’ll actually be bending and facing downwards a little. Any questions. He asked.

No sir. She said as she swallowed hard.

With his help she carefully got into position and she was up on her knees with her hands tied. He moved in front of her so she could make eye contact. He also had a western belt with patterns imprints on it and he had a huge silver cowboy belt buckle.

Ok, you ready to get you butt beat with my belt? He said with assertiveness.

Her lips were now stemming. She swallowed hard and she was taking a few deep breaths.

Yes sir

Ok, this belt whupin isn’t going stop until I decide, its going unlimited swats, is that clear! He declared.

She was breathing heavier and in whimpering tone. Oooo, yes sir

He slowly walked around and inserted his fingers into the elastic band of her panties. When he did, she fletched.

Ok, I want you stay up on your knees, don’t lay down until I tell you too, understand? He ordered.

Oooo, yes sir. She said.

With one quick pull, he pulled her panties all the down to her knees. Her bottom was still red from the belt spanking she got over his knee about half hour before. He than walked back around in front of her and eye contact with her.

Now your ready! He proclaimed.

She still wasn’t use to being exposed towards him. She dropped her bound hands in front of her trying to cover herself.

Now l, remember Patty, when I tell you lay down I want you bent over face pointing the bottom bail so your bottom is facing up and flat across top of this pillow.

She was already clenching and unclenching in anticipation and as she could feel the cool breeze. He walked up to her gently put both hand and her face and gave her a long passionate kiss.

In a calm and appreciative tone, he said. Honey, I know you are you doing this for us, and for me out of love. I just want you to realize not only do I recognized that, I'm thankful to you. I love you ever so much. Please allow yourself to let go and be venerable you don’t have to hold back anymore.

Yes sir and I love you too. She said as she was biting her lower lip.

He stepped back as she swallowed hard. He began undoing his buckle.

Alright, I'm going use my belt and beat the bare off your behind until you are bawling, sobbing and crying beyond your ability to make words, and continue until there is no fight left in you.

Oooo, yes sir.

He got the belt free from the buckle and slowly started to pull it out from the loops. She heard the enviable sound of his belt sliding out. He read that telling her what’s about going to happen and building the trepidation helps her get into the accepting mode and helps her mentally prepare for what’s about to happen.

Now Patty, make no mistake, im going to whale in your naked backside until your wailing, and then whale on you bare ass some more. This is an unlimited swat spanking and your getting all of them and it’s going to be nonstop until I decide I'm finishing, not you!

Her lips stammering and a look of trepidation.

Yes sir, now you said you start off slow, right? She queried in a dreadful anticipation.

As he was removing his large buckle from the belt. He responded.

Yes mam, I sure will, I always try to keep my promises. We'll start off with a slow pace but they are still going to be consecutively. After a little while, I'm going pause and tell you that its time to let go. Than its going to be maximum intense and you need to stay in place until I decide to stop.

He place his buckle down on the comforter and the end of the bails. And came back around to he could see her again. Making eye contact with her again.

Do you have any other questions before I blister your backside black and blue? He asked with resolve in his tone.

She started breath heavier as she was nodding.

Oooooo, no sir! She said in trepidation.

He slowly folded the belt in half so that she could see it

Alright, lay your over the bail and cross your feet because I going really lay into to your naked butt with my belt.

She slowly laid down and crossed her feet. She was laying over she was able to stabilize herself by resting her elbows and arms on the bail in front of her even though they were tied together. From her lower stomach down to her knees she was pretty laying flat, after pulling herself forward a little.

He gently place the belt on the center of her bottom.
Suddenly spoke up in a panic.

Wait, Wait, can I get a pillow to bite into, please, please, I just want a pillow!

He removed the belt picked up this second pillow and walked back around and gave it to her.

Yes mam, you can have a pillow, you have a right to always have a pillow.

Letting out a big sigh of relief as she tucked it between her arms.

Oh, thank you, thank, I appreciate it. She said in appreciation.

No problem my love. Do you need anything else?

No sir!

He walked back around and gently placed the belt back on the center of her bottom. She tighten and flexed up clenching her butt cheeks together. She started whimpering.

Oooo, Oooo

He just waited as he was turned on by seeing her bottom with all her muscle tighten up like that. He like seeing the muscular definition in her butt checks. He gently pulled her shirt up to the middle of her back and let the belt fall gently as it made a slapping sound. She began twitching her butt cheeks in and out and clenching up tightly intermittently.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap

All he heard was her whining and whimpering in dreadful anticipation of the first searing what of his cowboy belt to burn across the flesh of her naked bottom.

He just kept tapping the belt across both cheeks making sure it landed as flat as possible.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap

To be continued. . .

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