"Fine fine, then get your hot ass out of bed and put your workout clothes back on. Or don't I'm fine with that too" Regina slapped the redhead's ass as soon as she got out of bed, receiving a pillow thrown to her face.

"I may have been kind to you about two minutes ago, but that can change real fast baby girl" She challenged.

Scarlett put her clothes back on and took out the paper the teacher had given them.

"It says here to provide the class a warm-up, main exercise, and cooling down. We can do that, right?

"I don't know, can we? New York girls only run, don't they?"

"Very funny" Scarlett answered, taking her laptop to look up a few exercises.

She wrote several of them down, trying to find a logical order to perform them. Truth is, Regina was right, in Scarlett's case. She liked running as a form of working out way more than actual exercises. She liked the ambiance of the city as a total, and the ideal way of enjoying it and being productive at the same time is to run around. Blair and her used to do it together a lot. They had time to talk about the latest gossip, trends, and everything else going on in their life.

"All right, stand up for me please" Scarlett ordered and Regina did as she was told.

"Now give me a 2-minute plank" Regina's eyes widened. "2 minutes!" she exclaimed which gained a wicked chuckle from Scarlett.

"We aren't going to be kind to this class baby. They need someone to teach them a lesson"

"A lesson for what" She scoffed as she got down on her knees, then lowered herself in a plank.

"I don't know. For being so boring or something. I just wanna make them suffer."

The blonde laughed "You're evil, you knew that?"

"Just wait till you see evil. I'm not the one planking now, remember that"

Their little fight went on a little longer, bickering back and forth. They got the majority of their workout done. They had decided on some planking, followed by a few push-ups and some pull-ups. After that it was sit-ups. While Scarlett thought of the exercises, she made Regina perform them.

To finish their warm-up, Scarlett thought it was a good idea to make them do 10 squats. This wasn't for the fun of their class. She just knew Regina her ass would look good in the shorts.

Shad to take care of her own enjoyment too of course.

"Damn baby" Scarlett bit her lip, admiring Regina's figure in front of her. "You look really hot right now" She couldn't help but imagine the foulest things in the world right now. How she would rip those workout clothes off, how her ass would feel in her hands, how she would make Regina beg for more...

"Take a picture baby, it'll last longer" Regina winked, getting closer to Scarlett. Their lips were almost touching at this point.

"Maybe I will"

Suddenly, Scarlett her stomach made a growling sound which made Regina giggle.

"Damn, I knew you were hungry, didn't expect it to just be for food"

Scarlett took a look at her golden watch, time had struck 9 pm by now. Pretty late for her usual dinner time.

Don't look at her, just don't (Regina George)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें