Chapter 1/1

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Jimin's Pov

I was jealous of Taehyung's red fire truck that he kept playing on the floor. I kept staring at him roll the fire truck as he was taking a few small bites of his delicious chicken dumpling. My stomach growled at the scent of the dumpling roaming the air of the living room. Anger and jealousy was coursing through me. Tae tae always gets the best stuff. He must be the favorite.

I stood up and woddled to Jin hyung's room. I softly knocked on the door until I heard Jin ask on the other side, "yes? Who is it?"

"Ish me daddy!" I hollered back. A few seconds later, I heard footsteps and the door knob twisting and opening in front of me. It was Jin in a bathrobe.

"Daddy, I'm hungwy!" My stomach growled loudly.

"Oh honey! Tell Namjoon daddy to make you lunch, okay? I'm going to take a shower."

I frowned but went to do what I was told. I was passing by Tae when I had the temptation to steal one of his dumplings. I marched my way to him and his plate and snatched a dumpling in front of him. The action made him confused and upset that he hit the back of my head.

"That mine minnie!" He whined as I inhaled the dumpling. Now that I stole his dumpling, I also wanted his truck, so I snatched it from his hands.

"What you doiwing? That mine too!" He whimpered sadly, jumping to get his truck back while I was dangling it over him.

"No! Now ish mine! All this ish mine!" I shouted back. Tae blew up in a rage. He grabbed me by the hair and yanked it with all his strength. I winced in pain and held my head, which he took the opportunity to get the truck that I dropped a second ago. Tears streamed down my face due to the pain. I looked up at him with hatred.

I slapped him and got all the dumplings and ate them up in a single bite. A smug smile on my face, I stuck my tongue out. "Daddy!!!" Tae shrieked out loud, as if someone was murdering him.

Stomping footsteps were echoing louder and louder very quickly. Jung Hoseok came rushing panicly. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" He was catching his breath, interrogating Tae and I with loads of questions. Afterwards, everyone else came after hearing the commotion.

Tae went rushing to Hobi and clung to him with tears in his eyes, "Minnie slapped me." His lips quivered.

"Awww, my baby!" Jin cooed sympathetically to Tae, "Are you okay? Daddy got you." He soothed him in a calming tone, cradling him in his arms.

Yoongi stomped towards me angrily, "why would you hit Tae, huh?" He shouted at my face, as he was kneeling in front of me.

"He took my truck and ate my dumplings!" Tae whined, bursting down in tears once again.

"Shut up, you stuwpid bwat (brat)!" I growled in anger, trying to strangle him out of Jin daddy's grip but was halted by Yoongi.

"Don't you ever cuss, do you hear me? Go to time out NOW!" Yoongi raised his voice. It was suppose to intimidate me, but it only angered me even more.

You not boss!" I spatted at him.

THAT IS IT! GIVE ME YOUR TABLET! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE IT FOR A WEEK!" Namjoon roared like a lion. My face instantly dropped to a frown. I felt sobs at the back of my throat. My eyes were swelling up with tears and I balled my hands into tiny fists.

"Don't you give us a tantrum! We have had enough of your disrespectful attitude! You've been a bad boy! We are disappointed in you!" Namjoon yelled, getting my tablet which was on the couch.

I started to jump to reach for the tablet that he was dangling over me. "Give it back YOU DUMMY! Tae has always been you guy favorite!" I spat at him, tears spilled down my face.I stormed out to the front door, ready to leave, but was held back to Jin.

"What did that come from, chimchim? Why would you think that Tae is the favorite?" Jin asked worridely.

"Because I am." Tae stuck his tongue out with a smirk.

"You bwat. Your gonna weget (regret) it!" I sneered, lunging myself at him.

Yoongi grabbed me, knelt down behind me and spanked my bottom. Not expecting for him to spank me, I wailed out hysterically, throwing hits towards him. Why doesn't anyone love me? Everyone loves Tae. They always pamper him and give him everything he wants.

Yoongi carried me to my room and dropped me off at the end of my bed. He sat down and motioned me over his knees but I was reluctant. I shook my head in fear. Out of all of the members, Namjoon and Yoongi were the scariest when angry.

"Come on, let's get this over with Park Jimin." Hearing my full name broke my heart. My daddies only used my full name when angry. I shuffled slowly to him, who was sitting at the edge of my bed.

I was so ashamed of what I did that I was reluctant to look Yoongi in the eyes. "Honey, look at me?" there was a long silent pause, "why aren't you looking at me?"

I'm embwased for what I did." My bottom lip stuck out as sob escaped my throat. "Everyone powably hate me. Tae never forgive me?" I questioned sadly.

"Sweathearrt, Tae loves you so much and I know if you apologize, he would accept it. But first, you know you need to receive a spaking. What you have done is unacceptable. Understood?

"Yes daddy Yoongi!" A tear escaped from my left eye.

"Over my knee, NOW!" Yoongi exclaimed. I silently obeyed my daddy and went over his knee.

Now, I'm going to count to three and I need you to count every spank, understood?" Suga asked.

"Yesh daddy." I lowly muttered in embarrassment.

"One. Two. Three." After that, there were smacks falling constantly on my bottom.

"One. Tw-o. Th-Three!" I yelped out loud in pain.

"Two more sweetie. You're doing good." He said, as he rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

Smack. Smack. "Four. Five!" I was a mess afterwards. Not because it hurt, but my tiny heart hurts. I shouldn't have done that to Tae. I hope he can forgive me. I was instantly held in Yoongi's warm embrace. We stayed there for a while. I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck.

"You want your paci, my baby?" I squeeled and widened my eyes at the mention of my paci. I nodded excitedly. He reached in the drawer next to him and pulled out my favoite paci, which was a white one with a yellow chicken on the button. He slipped the paci's nipple through my lips, which instantly calmed me down.

"Can I go apowogize Tae?" I questioned nicely.

"Of course you can. Let's go!" We went out and saw that everyone was in the kitchen getting ready for dinner.

"Tae, Jimin has something to tell you." Suga caught his attention away from him coloring in his book on the dining table.

I walked up to him, upfront and with wobbly lips asked, "I'm sowy tae for hittin' you and taking away you stuff. I was jealous and though' you favowite." I broke down once again.

"It's okway. Tae fogwive you." He opened his arms and hugged me tightly.

Namjoon butted in, "and Chim, we don't have any favorites. We love you. If you wanted dumplings or a fire truck, you could just have told us."

"How about later we go buy you your own dumpling and fire truck?" Jin suggested with a huge grin.

"Yesh!" I yelled, hugging everyone one by one, "love you daddies!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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