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As the morning sun streams through the window. Katherine wakes up to the gentle touch of sunlight filtering through the curtains, her surroundings unfamiliar yet strangely comforting. Confusion washes over her as she sits up, taking in her unfamiliar surroundings. But as she glances out the window, her confusion turns to wonder and delight at the sight before her - a vast field stretching as far as the eye can see, adorned with her favorite flowers, tulips.

Katherine gasping in amazement
"Tulips... everywhere!"

With a sense of excitement bubbling inside her, Katherine rushes out of bed and to the window, her heart pounding with joy. She drinks in the sight of the endless sea of flowers, her smile widening with each passing moment.

Katherine breathless"This... this is incredible!

But as she scans the field, her eyes lock onto a figure in the distance - a familiar man, his gaze fixed on her with love and affection. Without a second thought, Katherine rushes downstairs and out into the field, her heart racing as she closes the distance between them.

Katherine overwhelmed "Alexander!"

As she reaches him, Alexander envelops her in his arms, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around in a whirlwind of emotion. Their laughter fills the air as they share a sweet, tender kiss, the world around them fading away in that moment of pure bliss.

Katherine: gazing up at him with wonder "Did you... did you do all this for me?"

Alexander's eyes soften as he looks down at her, his expression filled with love and devotion.

Alexander smiling "Anything for you, my love. You're everything to me."

With Katherine in his arms, Alexander gazes out at the field of tulips, his heart overflowing with happiness at the sight of her joy.

As Alexander looks into Katherine's eyes, his own filled with love and devotion, he takes a deep breath, his heart pounding with emotion. Slowly, he sinks to one knee, reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a dazzling diamond ring , its brilliance almost blinding in the sunlight. But to Alexander, it pales in comparison to the preciousness of the woman before him. He falls to one knee, his voice thick with emotion as he pours out his heart

"Katherine, my love, you are the light of my life, the very essence of my being. With you, I am whole, vulnerable, and unapologetically myself. You've shown me that beneath this ruthless exterior lies a heart capable of boundless love. You are my solace in the scorching heat of life's trials, my warmth in the coldest of winters. You've made me realize that I am not just a man of power, but a man capable of love, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I want to spend every moment by your side, cherishing you, loving you, until the end of time. Katherine, will you marry me?"

Katherine's eyes brim with tears of joy as she gazes into Alexander's soulful eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. Without hesitation, she throws her arms around him, nodding fervently

"Yes, Alexander, yes! A thousand times yes!"

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Katherine wraps her arms around Alexander, their embrace sealing their love and commitment to each other. As they hold each other tightly, lost in the euphoria of the moment, Alexander loses his balance, tumbling over and landing on top of Katherine

squeaking with laughter "Oh, you clumsy oaf!"

They both burst into laughter, their joy echoing across the tulip field as they revel in the beauty of their love and the promise of a future together. In that moment, nothing else in the world matters except the two of them, entwined in each other's arms, surrounded by the endless sea of tulips

As Alexander and Katherine strolled through the fairgrounds, their arms wrapped around each other, they took in the sights and sounds of the bustling attractions around them. The air was alive with the chatter of excited fairgoers and the enticing aroma of cotton candy and fried treats.

Katherine's eyes lit up with childlike wonder as she spotted a booth with a row of colorful prizes on display. Eager to win something, she stepped up to the counter and picked up a bow and arrow, determined to hit the target and claim a prize for herself.

However, after three unsuccessful attempts, her shoulders slumped in disappointment, her spirit dampened by her inability to hit the mark. Sensing her sadness, Alexander's protective instincts kicked in.

Alexander: (nodding subtly to his men) "Boys, sort it out."

With a silent understanding, Alexander's hulking bodyguards approached the booth owner, their mere presence enough to convey Alexander's message. The owner quickly relented, handing over a prize to Katherine with a nervous smile.

Katherine: (confused yet grateful) "Alexander, what did you do?"

Alexander simply flashed her a proud smile, his eyes twinkling with affection as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her to the next attraction.

Alexander: "Just making sure my girl gets what she deserves, love."

Together, they continued to explore the fair, laughter and joy lighting up their faces as they enjoyed each other's company and the simple pleasures of the evening

As Alexander and Katherine continued to explore the fairgrounds, laughter and joy echoing in their wake, his men stood watch with stoic expressions, their imposing presence a silent reminder of Alexander's power and authority. But amidst the crowds and excitement, Alexander made sure Katherine's every wish was granted, ensuring she had the time of her life.

After enjoying the hilarious antics of the theater show, they made their way to the ferris wheel, the city below illuminated by a sea of twinkling lights. As they sat close together, Alexander's hand found Katherine's, their fingers intertwining as they gazed into each other's eyes with adoration.

The night air was cool and gentle, playing with Katherine's hair as she looked up at Alexander, her hazel eyes shimmering in the city lights. In that moment, she was breathtaking, a vision of serenity and grace.

With a surge of passion, Alexander leaned in, capturing Katherine's lips in a tender yet fiery kiss. Their hands explored each other's bodies, pulling each other closer as they surrendered to the intensity of their love.

As the night drew to a close, they made their way back to Alexander's car, Katherine drifting off to sleep in his arms. With a soft smile, Alexander brushed her hair away from her face, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead as she slept peacefully.

In her dreams, Katherine murmured a question, her voice soft and muffled with sleep.

Katherine: (mumbling in her sleep) "Am I... annoying or boring?"

Alexander: (chuckling softly) "Never, my love. You could never be."

Katherine stirs slightly, her sleepy voice barely audible as she poses another question.

Katherine: (half-grunting) "Would you... love me if I were a... worm?"

Alexander's chuckle deepens, his affection for her evident in his response.

Alexander: (smiling) "Darling, I'd love you even if you were my worst nightmare."

With that reassurance, Katherine drifts back into a peaceful slumber, cradled in the arms of the man who loves her more than anything in the world

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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