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"I need you to be near when I need you do you understand?" Dua says over the phone

"Yea I understand"

"Then never fuckin request something so stupid like that again" she says

Duas been on tour for over 5 months already and she hasn't let me come see her. There's been tons of rumors going around about us being broken up and her dating some actor. I'm fine with those rumors because I know we aren't broken up and I know she wouldn't cheat on me right?

The "something stupid" I requested is that I wanted to get a job or something because how boring it is being in her house and not doing anything. I don't need the money but I need to socialize or something.

"Tour is only for a couple of more months I'll be home soon love" she says

"Dua I'm bored here okay and you won't let me go see you what do you want me to do?" I reply

"I want you to be patient with me, come on don't let a couple of months without me ruin a forever thing with me" she says

I guess she's right. I knew what I was getting into when I first agreed to being with her. I'm in love with her to the point where I'm sacrificing my freedom for her because a forever with her sounds like heaven. The days we're together are to die for but I miss her so fuckin much.

"I miss you so much Dua" I say

"Be patient love I gotta go now I'll ring you later" she says

"Okay I love you so much" I say

"Bye babe" she says

Back to doing the most boring things in the planet. All I did all day was think about her and read about her and hear about her. Trust me I wasnt locked in here or anything but her family was watching me 24/7. If I wanted to go out it would have to be with one of them.

I had an unlimited amount of money to spend that Dua gave me but I already had enough of almost everything. What I want is Dua that's all, I want her here so badly. Seeing her image everywhere was torture especially knowing that all those girls and guys had their eyes on her. Not waking up to her every morning felt like actual shit.

"Was that Dua?" Her mom asks

"Yes it was" I replied

Duas mom is the sweetest woman to exist but she as well had her eyes on me. She seemed to trust me but she had told me when I first got here that I was very pretty and she was sure both men and women would like me. She's the one who suggested that if I went out it had to be with them or it was a big no.

I'm sure you're wondering about my parents but that another story

"How lovely, how is she?" She asks

"She's great I really miss her though I wish she'd let me go see her though I don't understand what the issue with that would be" I say

"I'm sure she has her reasons and we shouldn't question them" she says

Maybe she's right but it's really suspicious to me for some reason. I know I'm not supposed to believe rumors but why didn't she want me around her? Was it maybe because there is someone else? Should I even be surprised if there is? I mean she's famous it's expected for her to be sleeping around because of the amount of power she now has.

The actor she was rumored to be dating is a male and he's very attractive. He has two things I can't give her, a dick and balls. We've talked about this before, her being bisexual and wanting to try everything. I'm bisexual too but I can't ever do that to Dua but I don't have the right to anyways? I'm not the famous one here so I have no excuse.

I know I sound crazy but that's what love does to someone. I'm willing to go crazy for her because who wouldn't? Imagine having one of the most attractive people in the world want you? It sounds impossible but it wasn't for me and I sure as hell won't lose it for some guy that probably means nothing to her.

I do feel jealous though. We've never had sex, we've gotten close but never went in completely. She felt as if it was too soon for her or something. Something about it having to be special or something. She made sure to let me know she wasn't a virgin so she wasn't un experienced but since I'm a virgin I assume she's afraid to scare me off? But it's the complete opposite of that, I want her to do everything to me. I guess maybe I'm not mature enough yet? She was 29 and I was barely going to be 21 next year. We're both adults but maybe I don't act mature?

"Anesa what do you think about the rumors? You know with the actor?" I ask

Shit was that supposed to be said out loud?

"Exactly what you said rumors" she replies

I really do wonder if they think that, I know there's times Dua specifically calls her family and I always wonder what they discuss.

I guess I have to simply trust her.



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Control or Love? .. Dua LipaWhere stories live. Discover now