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The dorms seemed to fill up overnight with people returning for the holidays. Draco wasn't too happy about class starting again, but he was excited for the study group to start. Everyone in it had come back, and he was happy that Hermione was here to hang out with him.

On the first Monday of January, everyone met up in the library. Draco passed out maps to all the members. ''You made this?'' Terry Boot asked, staring at it with interest.

''Well,'' said Draco, blushing. ''Hermione and I did it, it was a bit of a team endeavor. We just thought it would be a good idea to make a map of the place we'd be living in for the next seven years.''

''How come you're not in Ravenclaw?'' Padma Patil asked. ''The timers for when the stairs change - it's genius!''

''The Sorting Hat considered putting me in Ravenclaw. I was a Hat Stall,'' replied Hermione. Hat Stalls were kids who the Sorting Hat took five minutes or longer to decide for. ''But it decided on Gryffindor in the end.''

''So,'' Daphne interjected. ''About the study group. Maybe we should split up and help everyone with one subject, so there's always someone to help with your weakest subjects.'' Draco remembered from his childhood that she had always been a bit bossy.

''Good idea,'' said Neville politely. ''I'll take Herbology.''

Susan and Padma took Charms, Daphne and Draco took Potions, Hermione took Astronomy, Harry took History of Magic, and Terry and Hannah took Transfiguration. ''Nobody needs to take Defense Against the Dark Arts, since Quirell never gives us homework anyway,'' scoffed Draco.

''All right!'' said Hannah. ''It's a great idea to split the work, Greengrass.''

Daphne smiled. ''Thanks, Abbott.'' Draco couldn't help smiling as well. The Houses were already getting along! He loved the satisfaction of things working out, like the winning move in wizard's chess or the perfect piece in a puzzle.

After they had all completed their homework and Hermione called the session to end for now, Draco hurried down to the kitchens. He had put his nagging feeling about the trapdoor under Fluffy away for a while now, but now that Hermione was here to help investigate, his excitement for the mystery was back. And he knew just where to look.

Draco stopped at the familiar portrait of Nicolas Flamel. Luckily he was in his portrait, so Draco wouldn't have to hunt for him all over the castle. Nicolas smiled when he saw Draco. ''Bonjour, young Malfoy.''

''Bonjour, monsieur,'' said Draco as politely as he could, even though his mind was spinning. ''I was hoping you'd have time to... maybe tell me about some of your accomplishments?''

Nicolas Flamel grinned. ''Why yes, I do have time! I am a famous alchemist, and the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone!''

''The - the what?'' Draco asked. The Sorcerer's Stone. Could it fit under the trapdoor? Could it fit in Hagrid's small package he took from vault number seven hundred thirteen?  

''The Sorcerer's Stone, young Malfoy! It can transform any metal into pure gold. The Elixir of Life is produced from it, which grants the drinker immortality as long as it's routinely ingested, which makes me one of the oldest wizards in history.''

''And you've told Dumbledore about this? Albus Dumbledore?''

''Of course! He is my partner and dear friend, and assisted me with my alchemy work.''

Draco sharply inhaled. It all made sense now. ''Merci beaucoup!'' he called out to Nicolas as he sprinted away. He needed to find someone to tell this to, Ron would know, Hermione would know, Harry would -

He crashed straight into someone's shoulder, sending them both tumbling to the ground. ''Owww,'' Draco groaned, rubbing his shoulder and cursing the stone floor. He then turned to the person he unceremoniously knocked down. ''So sorry, I - Harry!''

Harry was looking up at him from his position on the ground, smiling like it was he who had figured something out. ''Harry, what are you doing here?'' Draco asked.

''I saw you sneaking off to the kitchens and decided to follow you. I knew you were looking for answers now that Hermione was here to help us. I just never thought you'd get those answers from a portrait! But I heard everything, and I agree with your hurry. We have to tell the others!''

''You sneaky little snake,'' Draco huffed and helped Harry up. They walked together to the Gryffindor Common Room, not going to risk running in case Filch was lurking nearby. When they got there, they saw Ron sitting next to Hermione, she was buried in one of the thickest books Draco had ever seen. ''What are you doing?'' he asked.

Hermione looked up like she had just woken up from a dream. ''Oh, hello you two. The most amazing thing happened! I found one of Ron's Chocolate Frog cards on the floor because he's as neat as a pig - oh shut up Ron, you are - , and so I picked it up, and look!'' She showed them Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card, which said on the back : Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel.

''So I got a book on Nicolas Flamel, but I haven't found anything of use yet,'' Hermione finished sadly, then looked suddenly angry when the two boys burst out laughing. ''What's so funny?''

''We beat you to it, Mione,'' Draco giggled, and then told her and Ron all about what he and Harry had found out from the portrait. Hermione seemed put out at the fact that she had been beaten, but impressed all the same.

''So, what now?'' Ron asked. ''We know what's under Fluffy's trapdoor, so what do we do about it?''

''We find out why Snape wants it,'' said Harry seriously. ''I didn't tell you before, but this seems like a good time to. After Quidditch practice, I saw Snape limping around, and it looked like his leg was hurt. He must have tried to get past Fluffy, he must have wanted the Sorcerer's Stone.''

''Are you sure it's because of that, Harry?'' Hermione asked skeptically.

The look in Harry's eyes was dangerous. ''You're just going to have to trust me on this, just until I find some proof.'' 

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