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Draco kept adding to the map, exploring nearly every day. The castle was huge, but he was about three - fifths of the way done. He asked Hermione to put a Protean Charm on all the maps, so whenever he changed something on his copy, it was added to all the maps.

One evening, Draco stumbled across what looked to be an old classroom. All the desks and chairs were pushed against the wall, making space for a mirror as high as the ceiling with an ornate gold frame. It looked out of place in the dusty classroom. Carved around the top were the words Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. I show not your face but your hearts desire. 

He stepped forward cautiously. What Draco saw in the mirror was not his curious face, his hand clutching his map. He saw himself, but taller, older. There were other people too, people not in this room. There was no one there but himself.

The Minister of Magic was handing older Draco medals and awards. He saw an Order of Merlin and the title of Grand Sorcerer, among others. There was a whole crowd behind him, clapping and cheering. With a jolt, Draco realized it was his classmates and friends. Harry... Ron... Hermione... even Daphne Greengrass was there! I guess this is my hearts desire, Draco thought. I would like to make the world a better place.

The reflection changed like a ripple in water. There was no one else but him, his shock showing in the mirror. Then his parents appeared, with bigger smiles than Draco had ever seen them have. They looked happier, less stressed. Draco reached out to the mirror, hoping to touch them, to keep them this way.

His parents bent down and wrapped his reflection in a tight embrace, looking more joyful than they had in ages. Like they loved him, like they loved each other. Draco wrapped his arms around himself, his map falling to the dust coated floor. His heart hurt with a longing for it to be true, and tears fell from his eyes before he knew it. Wiping his cheeks free from the few drops, he ran away. Draco did not mark the classroom on his map. He never wanted to return.

When he returned back to Gryffindor Tower, Draco vowed never to speak about that mirror again. Something was wrong about it. It gave him a bad feeling. Instead he sat next to Hermione and discussed people they should invite to their study group.

''So Harry and Daphne are coming,'' said Hermione. ''What about some Hufflepuffs? We have Herbology with them tomorrow, so we can ask them there.''

''Susan Bones is nice. I know her from her aunt, Amelia Bones, from the Ministry of Magic. She can also bring a friend if she'd like. Speaking of Herbology, why don't we invite Neville? He's brilliant at it.'' Draco had taken a liking to Neville, finding him very talented at Herbology and eager to help him whenever he had questions.

''Sure,'' Hermione agreed. ''Now, what about some Ravenclaws? I've met Padma Patil at the library, she can come. We can also invite Terry Boot because I've seen him hang around her.''

''Yes,'' Draco said. ''That's great. I'll talk to the Hufflepuffs and you can talk to the Ravenclaws, how does that sound?''

''Good. I'm just glad Ron's not mad that we didn't invite him. I feel a little bit guilty about it.''

''Eh, I don't think he'd enjoy it. He hates anything to do with homework. Besides, he'd probably be against the idea of including other Houses. Harry's the only person he talks to outside of Gryffindor.'' Hermione nodded, but she still looked a little troubled over it. Draco distracted her by playing with Lyla. He was pretty sure she loved Hermione more than him.

The next day, Draco sat near Susan Bones. He needed to be smart about this, as he remembered Susan was shy. She sat next to a girl with shoulder length dirty blond hair that Draco vaguely recognized. She was an Abbott, probably. Maybe.

As soon as Professor Sprout left the class to repotting plants, Draco moved closer to the two Hufflepuffs. He waited until Susan was done before he spoke. ''Hey Susan.''

''Hi,'' she said softly. The other girl stared at him, moving ever so slightly in front of Susan. So she was protective over her friends. That was fine, probably. Maybe.

''So...'' Draco said cautiously. ''I'm putting together a study group, would you like to join? Your friend can come too. The last time I saw you, you were pretty into Charms, so I thought that this might interest you.''

''Hmm...'' said Susan. ''Well, sure. Would you like to come, Hannah?'' Hannah gave a sharp nod, though she didn't seem as tense as before. Draco delightedly told them the time and place to be before the end of class.

At lunch, Hermione had happily told him that Padma Patil, Terry Boot, and Neville had all agreed to join the study group. ''I'm glad they all said yes,'' she said over her baked potatoes. ''This is a great way to make more friends in different Houses. Promoting inter - House unity is important. I don't like how we're all separated.''

Since they had the afternoon off, Draco decided to write to his mother. Everyone was talking about their Christmas plans, and he had decided to stay at Hogwarts. Draco loved his mother, but he didn't want to be around his father. Any chance he had to stay away, he would take it.

Dear Mum, he scratched out.

How is everything? Classes are going great for me, and I've met a bunch of new friends. I even put together a study group to make new friends in different Houses. Thank you for the care package you sent me last week and the mapmaking supplies. I will enclose a map with this letter so you can see what I've made, as well as yours and Dobby's Christmas presents.

Since Christmas is approaching, many dedicated students will be staying at Hogwarts to learn and study more, and I will be staying as well. I've taken up a few independent study projects as well, so I'm sure you'll understand, since you've always wanted me to do well in school. Say hello to Dobby for me!

All my love,


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