Chapter 4: Exams

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Sabrina woke reluctantly, aware of pressure on her bladder but not wanting to get out of bed. Then she blinked, realizing she had no memory of going to bed. But here she was, and to add to her surprise, Ford was deeply asleep beside her. He was nearly always up and busy by the time she woke up, since he needed less sleep.

Groaning, she forced herself to sit, then slide out of bed. After visiting the bathroom, she wrapped a robe around herself, noting that her baby bump was already visible in her lightweight nightgown. Don't be in such a hurry, sweetheart, she thought to her daughter. Though she'd eaten roughly three meals last night, she was ravenous again. Could her body keep up with an accelerated pregnancy?

She resolved to ask Mara as soon as possible. The Crystal wasn't always a good judge of what her still mostly human body could tolerate.

Meanwhile, she would eat a good breakfast. It was probably going to be a long day.

As she entered the dining room, she was unsurprised to see that Lily and Cynthia were just finishing their meal.

"Mama!" Lily cried, beaming. "You slept so late."

"I know, sweetie. I was tired. We were up late meeting with your grandmother." She bent to kiss Lily's cheek.

"The woman, or the ship?"

Sabrina smiled. "The woman. Good morning, Cyn."

"Morning," Cynthia replied. "Looks like we're the only ones up so far."

As if on cue, they heard the front door open and close. Only family and close friends could enter without being admitted, and Sabrina frowned, trying to figure out who else could possibly be awake yet.

"Do I smell bacon?" Scotty asked as he reached the doorway.

Sabrina jumped out of her chair to hug him. "Scotty! I didn't expect to see you so soon. Where are Aurora and the kids?"

"Still at Tythir. Hey, Cynthia! Good to see you again."

"Likewise." Cynthia grinned and gave him a hug once Sabrina released him. "I'll get you some bacon. Your niece ate it all before you got here."

"Hey, Lily." Scotty grinned as he sat down beside her. "Next time, save me some."

"I didn't know you were coming," she explained. "You can have some of my juice if you want."

"No thanks, kiddo. I'll get my own."

Cynthia cast a measuring look at Sabrina. "About half a dozen eggs for you. And milk."

"Yes, please," Sabrina replied. "Where's the cook?"

"In the kitchen. You didn't think I was going to cook it myself, did you?" Cynthia chuckled as she went in the direction of the kitchen.

Sabrina shook her head, smiling, then looked back at Scotty. "So what brings you here? I thought you'd still be soaking up the family time."

"Mara only gave me a day off," he said. "I came up to check in at Control, but I'm headed right back home before everyone gets up. I wanted to talk to you for a minute. Can the kids stay at Bathir?"

"Of course, but why?"

"Mara's taking Aurora with her on her whirlwind tour. I wanted to go too, but she said one of us should stay with the kids. So I get home duty for once. As much as I love Tythir, the action's going to be at Bathir. I'd rather be there, if you'll have me."

"Of course!" She was thrilled. "Stay as long as you want. You can get to know Lily."

"I intend to." He grinned at Lily. "Annamarie says you're her sister, not her cousin. So I guess I better see who I've adopted."

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