Chapter 3.1

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The route from Sabrina and Ford's apartment to the Guardian's rooms was one Sabrina knew well; her roses had originally been housed there until they had outgrown the space. So she led the way, Ford walking beside her in silence.

As they left the building, he took her hand, holding it firmly in his. She could feel his anxiety along the link and realized that, as happy as he was to see his parents, their return heralded the end of the tenuous peace they had enjoyed the past five years. With a new Kyan advance in the works, not to mention expecting their second child, he was having a strong, unpleasant sense of deja vu. It didn't make her feel better to know she wasn't the only one.

Behind them, Tirqwin let out a long sigh. Then he said, "I had almost forgotten what walking on a planet is like. The smells, the sounds, the breeze—no artificial environment can really compare."

Sabrina hoped that at Tythir, Scotty was taking the opportunity for a starlit stroll, rediscovering the same things.

Ford said, "The charm fades after a few years, Father. Trust me."

"I suppose," Tirqwin replied, "we always long for what we do not have. Do not worry, Niavar. I am sure your talents will be much in demand in our efforts."

"Not in space," Ford said firmly. "Not until after the baby's born, at any rate."

"I cannot blame you for not wanting to endure another separation. I certainly prefer to avoid it," Tirqwin replied. "But our personal preferences may be a luxury we cannot indulge."

Ford kept his instinctive response silent. To give him time to calm down, Sabrina said, "Just tell me that whatever this plan is, Scotty didn't come up with it."

Tirqwin chuckled. "Not all of it, to be sure. Mara had a hand in it, and Nllata A'Patel added some creative flourishes. There is, however, not a consensus about our next steps among the Wayfarers who made the journey back."

"Oh, this should be good," Sabrina murmured. Ford gave a muffled snort and squeezed her hand again.

They entered the building housing the Guardian's apartment a few minutes later and followed the sounds of the royal family up the stairs. As they entered the reception room, they were greeted by Seuréa, who grabbed Sabrina's arm. "Sabrina, Mama says I may stay with you. I can, can't I?"

"Of course," Sabrina said, surprised. She had assumed Mara would reclaim custody of her daughter and take over her training.

Seuréa turned to Ford. "I'll be good, I promise."

"You better be," he teased her. "Mother's not taking you back?"

"She won't be here. She has a lot to do with the Realm," Seuréa replied. "But she said she would teach me some healing so I can help people. I asked her to show me what to do for Nera and Corbin's mother, and she said she would before she left."

A wave of relief washed over Sabrina. "That was kind of you."

Seuréa grinned. "If things are going to get crazy again, Liara's going to need help, right?" She sobered. "I want to help this time."

"You helped last time," Ford reminded her. "You helped get rid of the Kyan ships."

"But I couldn't help all the people who got hurt, and I want to." Seuréa looked determined. "I can do more this time. And I will."

Sabrina couldn't help remembering some of Mara's more willful moments during her training and suppressed a shudder. "I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunity to learn more, now that Mara's back. She can teach you all the things I don't know how to do." I could learn healing myself, she realized. It had always seemed too delicate to attempt without guidance, but with Mara home, she could learn with Seuréa.

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