chapter 7

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I didn't think I got that drunk last night, but apparently I did. I've puked twice this morning, and I honestly feel like I've been exhumed.

The whole night feels like it was some sort of weird fever dream, and I have to double take myself on the fact I spent most of it with Caden Whitlock.

"I feel like I'm about to die," Quinn mutters, sprawling across the sofa, curls matted from spilled drinks.

I haven't seen Rowan at all yet, and I have no fucking idea how to resolve things with him after my little performance. I'll have to figure it out, otherwise us all living together will be pretty damn awkward.

"Same," Valerie groans, leaning her head on the kitchen countertop, letting the coolness wake her up a little.

"Where were you most of the night?" I ask Val as I slouch next to Quinn, wrapping a blanket across my shoulders.

"I was talking to some random guy. Didn't get his name," she mumbles, turning to me with a small grin. "I think I'm the one who should be asking you that."

"Agreed," Hana says, flouncing into the kitchen. As per usual, she looks radiant as ever. No sign of a hangover. "So, brunch at Astro!" She clasps her hands together.

"No," Quinn barks, pulling a pillow over her head.

"Yes. It's that, or spend the day withering away in here. Get dressed, all of you. We leave in ten." Hana retorts.

"I am not leaving this apartment today, under any circumstances." I say, pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders, cocooning myself in the warmth.

— — —

Hana won in the end.

I trudge down Main Street with my arm through Val's, who is sporting a pair of sweats I let her borrow. I squint through my sunglasses, which are barely doing their job against the harsh autumn sun.

"This is an awful idea," Quinn grumbles, throwing her weight against the door to open it, the little bell jingling as we enter.

"Afternoon girls," Mary beams, the smile quickly fading as her eyes scan over us. "Wow. Late night, I'm guessing?"

"Good guess," I groan, pushing the sunglasses up to my head and scratching my eyes.

Mary looks from us, bending her head around the corner slightly before her lips curve into a small smile. "Your usual table is free, as per. I'll bring you the drinks."

As much as I hate to say it, I don't think I could stomach my usual Oreo milkshake today.

"I'll actually just have water, thanks Mary." I say with a queasy smile, pushing down the wave of nausea. The others quickly agree. Guess we're all in the same hungover boat.

"Alright, never thought I'd see the day you'd turn down the milkshakes. Water it is!" Mary beams, spinning her heels on the checkerboard floor before striding away.

We trudge towards the routinely booth, Val sitting next to me whilst Quinn and Hana slide in opposite.

"So," Hana starts, slamming her palms against the table the second my ass hits the leather. "Caden Whitlock?!"

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