"Text me when you get home." Griffin rolled his eyes but smiled before starting his car and leaving. I guess I could see what my brothers were up to. "I'm home!" I yelled out as I walked in. The only light on was to our entryway, meaning they went to bed. Never mind, a good night's sleep it is.


I awoke to my phone ringing and answered it without opening my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Damn, I thought you would want to hear from your girlfriend," Quinn spoke. I shot up and immediately apologized. "It's fine, did you end up hanging with the boys?"

"Yeah, we went to a party. It sucked so we were all home by midnight."

"Geez, it really did suck then. Did you at least have some fun?"

"God no. I sat on a couch, danced for a bit, yelled at someone, and went home."

"Please, tell me you didn't get in a fight?" I smiled at her worried tone.

"And if I did?"

"I wouldn't come over today and do what I was planning to."

"Hmm, and what were you planning?" I heard her sigh and awaited the answer.

"It doesn't matter now that you did something stupid," she teased.

"Well, it's a good thing I just told him to fuck off. I have at least ten eye witnesses if you require their statements, your honor."

"I know you were making a joke about me being a judge, but I kind of like being called 'your honor'." We both laughed and I laid back down.

"So, should I come pick you up?"

"Nah, Dana said she would drop me off on her way home. She wants to see where you live in case she has to beat you up."

"Oh, wow. I almost want to see her try."

"Well, she is giving me a weird look so I have to go. I love you, see you in a bit."

"I love you too." I put my phone down on my nightstand and ran into the shower. I know I didn't drink, but I smelt like weed and alcohol regardless. When I got out I heard the door open so I sprinted downstairs.

"Wow, this is your house?" Dana asked as I reached the door. Great, she came in. Too bad I was just in a sports bra and shorts since I expected ONLY Quinn.

"Considering I have been living here my whole life, I'd hope so." I smiled at her glare and kissed Quinn's cheek when she pushed past her friend. Dana looked at my apparel and scoffed.

"It's a bit extravagant, don't you think? You have a huge fence around a giant backyard, as well as what appears to be a 'modest' mansion."

"I didn't exactly design the place. My mom was a doctor and my dad owns a bunch of companies so they kinda wanted something big. They planned on having like six kids, but decided to stop with me when their work loads were too much." Dana decided to start walking toward our kitchen then to examine it. I was getting irritated, as I didn't even invite her in. I looked at Quinn, but she just shrugged. "I thought you were dropping Quinn off and leaving?"

"I don't know, I thought I might stay a while and see what you guys get up to." She looked over me again and squinted. I sighed and glanced over to see Quinn frowning now.

"Dana, you had me all night. Can you please leave Zoey's house now?" she asked in a sickly sweet tone. At least she was as irritated as I was.

"Why? So you guys can go bang?" My mouth dropped open at that, I didn't know what to say. "First, tell me why your parents aren't here. Quinn mentioned it was only you and your brothers. I know your mom died, since it was in the paper ages ago, but where is your dad? Does he not want to spend time with his own children? Was he disappointed when you guys grew up?" I stammered trying to come up with a response. I thought we had become great friends.

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